UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S EMERGENCY FUND (UNICEF) has floated a tender for Lrps-2024-9188027 Environmental and Social Safeguard (Ess) Assessment in Projects and Programmes Funded and Implemented by Unicef (Ltas). The project location is Thailand and the tender is closing on 16 Feb 2024. The tender notice number is 9188027, while the TOT Ref Number is 95609985. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Thailand

Summary : Lrps-2024-9188027 Environmental and Social Safeguard (Ess) Assessment in Projects and Programmes Funded and Implemented by Unicef (Ltas)

Deadline : 16 Feb 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 95609985

Document Ref. No. : 9188027

Competition : ICB

Financier : United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

UNICEF EAPRO is seeking to establish one or more non-exclusive Long-Term Agreements for Services (LTAS).This solicitation is including two parts:(1) Mandatory submission: Establish one or more non-exclusive Long-Term Agreements for Services (LTA-S) for Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) Assessments in Projects and Programmes Funded and Implemented by UNICEF.(2) Optional submission: Secondary bidding for the first assignment under the resulting LTA-S.Bidders are welcome to submit both proposals, or chose to submit a proposal for Long-Term Agreements (LTA-S) only.BackgroundInsecurity, political instability, conflicts, natural hazards, climate change, deforestation, desertification, soil erosion and natural resource depletion are increasing extreme poverty and vulnerabilities, and have impacted economic activities and living conditions, with direct negative consequences especially on children and women. Unless action is taken, future impacts will be far more dramatic, undermining much of the progress made for children over the last decades. Each of the five Goal Areas of the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025 is affected in some way by climate change and/or environmental degradation and by social inequalities.UNICEF's Environment and Social Sustainability (ESS) Framework underpin UNICEF's commitment to the UN 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals) by ensuring social and environmental sustainability is mainstreamed across all programming. The ESS Framework requires that all UNICEF programming maximizes social and environmental opportunities and benefits as well as ensures that adverse social and environmental risks and impacts are avoided, minimized, mitigated and managed. Through application of the ESS Framework, UNICEF aims to enhance the consistency, transparency and accountability of its decision-making and actions; improve performance; and strengthen achievement of sustainable development outcomes.Similarly, UNICEF is also addressing major donors' requirements with growing demands on transparent and systematic environmental and social risks management in programming including as a UN system wide priority endorsed in the UN Strategy for Sustainability Management (2020-2030). In 2021, UNICEF country offices applied environment and social standards and safeguards across more than 30 projects and programmes1, developed environmental and social risks management plans, and other related instruments in programme design and implementation.Objectives, Purposeonal 36 months extension, subject to satisfactory performance and agreement of both contracting parties. The established LTAS will be time bound, without a monetary value or guaranteed offtake. For any assignments to be contracted under the established LTAS, all suitable LTAS holders will be invitedto submit their proposal in a secondary bidding process. Contract award will be made to the LTAS holder who submitted the most responsive proposal (highest ranking as combination of technical and financial score).While some UNICEF Country Offices have already engaged dedicated support on ESS, thereis still a limited understanding on how to undertake it, what it means for programming, and how tointegrate it. Hence, the goal ultimately is to ensure that UNICEF EAPRO offices generate the capacity to effectively identify and manage environmental and social risks, optimizing results for childrenand meeting the commitments established in UNICEF's Strategic Plan as well as meeting the SDG targets. Such capacity would also improve programme planning, implementation, and monitoring, as well as improve accountability to target populations, and build partner/donor confidence.Under the established LTAS, there will be three Service Categories of work assignments:a. Technical guidance and quality assurance for identification, implementation and compliance of Environmental and Social Safeguards in UNICEF Country programmes and projects.b. Environmental and Social Safeguards Screening for Country Offices.c. Capacity building through development of guidance, training materials, and face-to-face training.The services for specific assignments in the secondary bidding process might include, but are not limited to:• Assessments for projects in accordance with donor requirements, such as those from the World Bank and the Green Climate Fund.• Compliance with relevant national and international laws and regulations related to environmental and social safeguards.• Support and integration through project planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting phases, according to the donors' procedures and standards.• Capacity building of staff to apply ESS requirements throughout project preparation and implementation.• Compliance with UNICEF ESS Principles and Guidelines, as well as any morerecent guidelines issued by UNICEF.For full details, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.This tender will be run through the UNICEF e-submissions system (UNGM).By clicking on the blue ‘Express Interest' button in the UNGM tender notice, the full UNICEF e-submission system instructions tobidders document (including instructions on how to access the tender documents and submit an Offer) will be automatically emailed to the ‘contact persons' included in your UNGM registration. Alternatively, the full UNICEF e-submission system instructions to bidders document is publicly available onthe UNICEF supply internet pages here: https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_procurement_policies.html.In the tender management site, if you navigate to the documents tab and opt in to confirm your intention to submit a Bid you will then see the mandatory placeholders for documents that must be attached prior to submitting your Offer (you will also see if there are any mandatory questionnaires to complete). As such, you are recommended to `opt in` well before the submission deadline so you are clear exactly what documents are required to be uploaded prior to completing your submission.Pleasenote that in order to access the full-set of tender documents through UNICEF's e-submissions system, vendors must: (1) be registered with UNICEF in UNGM as a company/NGO; (2) have successfully completed all mandatory information currently required by UNGM when registering.Please ensure that any files submitted as part of your bid are not corrupt or damaged in any way. Please exercise caution when using compressed files. Any corrupt or damaged files may lead to your Bid being invalidated.All vendors are strongly recommended to regularly log-in to the UNICEF e-submissions system to check for anydeadline extensions, new clarifications, new correspondence or updated tender documents relating to this tender.Should you have any questions against this solicitation, please submit your queries to Khomkrit Phakdeemai at kphakdeemai@unicef.org with CC to: thl-ml-bkksupply@unicef.org - no later than 9th February 2024 so that all queries could be clarified and circulated to all bidders before the deadline.We look forward to receiving your proposals within the given timeline.Best regards, UNICEF Supply team
Publish Date: 22-Jan-2024
Type of Notice: Request for proposal


 Tender Notice




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