UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S EMERGENCY FUND (UNICEF) has floated a tender for Lrps-2024-9188655-Using Geospatial Technology to Improve Maternal and Child Health Services in Bangladesh. The project location is Bangladesh and the tender is closing on 13 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is LRPS-2024-9188655, while the TOT Ref Number is 97803908. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Bangladesh

Summary : Lrps-2024-9188655-Using Geospatial Technology to Improve Maternal and Child Health Services in Bangladesh

Deadline : 13 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97803908

Document Ref. No. : LRPS-2024-9188655

Competition : ICB

Financier : United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT(above US$ 2, 500) Title of the assignmentUsing Geospatial technology to improve maternal and child health services in Bangladesh.PurposeTo develop and manage GIS mapping from different data and create digital online and offline microplanning geospatial maps based on the immunization microplanning to support MOHHealth Manager, UNICEF 1. Background The Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) is a cornerstone of Bangladesh's public health success. Launched in 1974, EPI has achieved an impressive 94.6% immunization rate among newborns by 2020. Despite these achievements, challenges persist in immunizing zero-dose and under-immunized children, especially in hard-to-reach areas. Addressing these issues necessitates the integration of advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies into EPI strategies. Given Bangladesh's complex geography and high population density, a GIS-based online EPI microplanning is crucial. UNICEF's technical support to the Directorate General of Health Services and EPI headquarters in Bangladesh focuses on digitizing ward-level boundaries in rural and urban areas to enhance EPI visibility through e-trackers and GIS. At present, GIS-based online microplanning isimplemented in 17 Districts and 04 City Corporations. In the Gavi HSS3 grant, UNICEF, EPI DGHS, and MOHFW have decided to expand the GIS-based Online Microplan to 64 districts and 12 city corporations. Transitioning from traditional paper-based methods to a digitized microplanning approach is essential for improving the efficiency and coverage of immunization programs. In this context, UNICEF's decision to hire a specialized GIS agency for participatory and crowd mapping is strategic. This effort involves creating detailed maps of ward boundaries, EPI centers, road networks, and other key features to track immunization coverage and identify gaps in service delivery. The resultant ward-level geospatial shapefiles are critical in accessing remote and underserved communities, thereby significantly improving public health outcomes. The purpose of this ToR is to support the strategic objectives of Bangladesh's EPI by enhancing its capacity through the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies. In alignment with government and UNICEF partnerships and national health priorities, the ToR seeks to hire a specialized GIS agency. This agency will be instrumental in digitizing EPI's processes and improving immunization coverage all over Bangladesh, thereby contributing to the broader goal of enhancing public health outcomes and ensuring the sustainable advancement of healthcare delivery systems in Bangladesh. This geospatial data helps to describe the geographyof the health system by collecting information on the geographic location of features core to the immunization and health programs. These features include but are not limited to, health-related infrastructure (health facilities, permanent and temporary vaccination sites, warehouses, pharmacies, cold chain, and distribution centers) and health boundaries (health districts, catchment areas). The TOR has been developed in alignment with the government's collaboration with UNICEF and national program priorities. Its purpose is to enhance the government team's capacity at national, district, city corporation, municipality and upazila levels for a geo-enabled microplan in the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). This initiative aims to modernize and sustain the GIS based online microplan, reflecting a commitment to future-proofing health data systems. 2. OBJECTIVES, PURPOSE AND ExPECTED RESULTS Facilitate training sessions on conducting EPI geo-location surveys using mobile software such as KoboCollect, ODK, or similar applications across all 495 upazila, 110 municipalities in Bangladesh and within the 55 zones of 12 city corporations. Develop pool of trainers / facilitators atnational, district, city corporation and upazila levels who can troubleshoot and guide the implementation of GIS based online microplan Provide support in creating comprehensive maps at both Union and City Corporation levels, including base maps and key features like road networks, health facilities, educational institutions, markets, and river or canal networks. This is essential for field exercises aimed at delineating ward boundaries and validating the locations of EPI centers within Unions and City Corporations. Facilitate participatory and crowd mapping activities, involving EPI supervisors, vaccinators, health assistants, and other field workers from government and NGOs to create detailed ward-level shape files, ensuring the incorporation of Union, ward and City Corporation boundaries. This process will involve collecting data through these mapping activities and ensuring geospatial data interoperability with the geo-location registry for comprehensive and accurate geographic information systems. Integrate shape file with DHIS2/OpenSRP based immunization micro plan and service data using API. Develop GIS dashboard all district and city corporation. Provide support in creatingknowledge products such as training materials and manuals for data collection and presentation. This also includes technical writing detailing the comprehensive process and documenting events like training and workshops through photographs. 3. Description of Assignment Category 1: EPI geo-locationsurveys User Geo registry and DHIS2 orgunit code Update Kobocollect form using Geo registry and DHIS2 organization unit code as pre-loaded data systematically. Conduct training on EPI center's geo-location data collection using mobile applications like KoboCollect, involving EPI supervisors, vaccinators, health assistants, and other field workers across all 495 upazila, 111 Municipalities, and 12 city corporations in Bangladesh. Collect all EPI outreach and fixed center geo-location data. Regularly validate the accuracy of the field of the EPI geo-location survey data collected through mobile-based survey application (e.g., Kobo toolbox), ensuring its reliability and relevance. Once validated, this data should be systematically disseminated to MIS/UNICEF for further use and analysis. Category 2: Mapping and Visualization Develop, update, maintain, and manage GIS shapefiles (Point, Polyline, and Polygon), focusing on creating accurate spatial data representations for analysis and mapping. Create easy-to-use ward-wise maps for each union across all upazilas, including 12 city corporations in Bangladesh, showing boundaries and other features. Develop techniques to convert paper-based data into digital formats, enhancing accessibility and usability of data. Explore innovative methodologies for validating to increase the accuracy of shapefile data Category 3: Crowd Mapping Provide and conduct technical support on hands-on mapping sessions with field workers to identify and create ward boundaries according to Union level boundaries. Ensure the accuracy of field-collected data in the EPI centers' geo-location survey. Develop techniques to convert paper-based data into digital formats, enhancing accessibility and usability of data. Make shapefiles for the wards in each union across all upazilas and 12 city corporations in Bangladesh. Maintain one file for each district and each city corporation individually to gather collected EPI geo location survey data. Develop and implement robust data encryption and access control systems to protect sensitive data. Category 4: Web based GIS dashboards Integrate shape file with DHIS2/OpenSRP-based micro plan and service data using API and generate real time GIS visualization with different vaccine coverage. Enhancement of integrated dashboard for district, upazila, municipalities and city corporations which already deployed at MIS, DGHS. PHPegory 5: Support to Knowledge management, technical writingiling the procedures, methodologies, and outcomes of the GIS project for future reference and replication. Develop user-friendly guides and training materials, such as a manual in the local language, to facilitate a better understanding of the GIS-based online micro plan processes. Documentation oftraining sessions and workshops Category 6: Knowledge sharing Handover shapefile of all 64 districts, including all wards within all unions under 495 upazila and 12 city corporations, including all City Corporations Zones and Wards, 110 Municipalities, in Bangladesh to MIS, DGHS, and UNICEF. 4.Deliverables TasksProduct/deliverablesTime frameCategory 1: EPI geo-location surveys Conduct training on EPI centers geo-location data collection using mobile applications like KoboCollect and ODK, involving EPI supervisors, vaccinators, health assistants, and other field workers, across all 495 upazila and 12 city corporations in Bangladesh. Prepare EPI geo location survey form for 64 districts, including all EPI sub-blocks, wards within all unions under 495 upazila and all EPI centers, wards, zones of 12 city corporations in Bangladesh. Conduct EPI centers geo location survey training acrossall 495 upazila and 12 city corporations in Bangladesh Submit activity reports on every trainingFebruary 2024- July 2024 Regularly validate the accuracy of the EPI geo-location survey data collected through mobile-based survey applications (e.g., Kobo toolbox), ensuring its reliability and relevance. Once validated, this data should be systematically disseminated to UNICEF for further use and analysis. Regularly download and update the survey data from Kobo server for each 495 upazila and the 12 city corporations in Bangladesh, ensuring accuracy and consistency in a designated Excel fileFebruary 2024- December 2024 User Geo registry and DHIS2 orgunit code Geo registry and DHIS2 orgunit code will be used in the Shapefile attribute tableFebruary 2024- April 2024 Regularly validate the accuracy of field the EPI geo-location survey data collected through mobile-based survey application (e.g. Kobo toolbox), ensuring its reliability and relevance. Once validated, this data should be systematically disseminated to MIS/UNICEF for further use and analysis. EPI geo-location survey data will be validatedFebruary 2024- October 2024 Regularly validate the accuracy of the field of the EPI geo-location survey data collected through mobile-based survey application (e.g., Kobo toolbox), ensuring its reliability and relevance. Once validated, this data should be systematically disseminated to MIS/UNICEF for further use and analysis. Location data will be validatedFebruary 2024- October 2024 Category 2: Mapping and Visualization Develop, update, maintain, and manage GIS shapefiles (Point, Polyline and Polygon), focusing on creating accurate spatial data representations for analysis and mapping. Prepare GIS shapefiles across all unions and 12 City corporations in Bangladesh for crowding mapping activity. Base map creationFebruary 2024- December 2024 Create easy-to-use maps for each union across all upazilas including 12 city corporations in Bangladesh, showing boundaries and other features. Prepare maps and print A1 size maps across all unions and 12 City corporations in Bangladesh for crowding mapping activityFebruary 2024- December 2024 Category 3: Crowd Mapping Provide and conduct technical support on hands-on mapping sessions with field workers to identify and create ward boundaries according to union-level boundaries. Give technical support to identify and createward boundary maps and EPI centers geo location in alignment with Union-level boundaries. Logistic supportFebruary 2024- December 2024 Ensure the accuracy of field-collected data in the EPI Geo-location survey. Field survey data validation and update in a designated Excel fileFebruary 2024- December 2024 Develop techniques to convert paper-based data into digital formats, enhancing accessibility and usability of data. Using the training data, make shapefiles for the wards in each union and 12 city corporations in Bangladesh. Maintain one Excel file for each district and each city corporation individually to gather collected EPI geo location survey data. Regularly update and maintain one Excel file for each district and each city corporation individually. Submit the shapefiles for all districts by upazila up to the EPI sub-block level (Eight sub-blocks in each Ward). Submit the shapefiles for all EPI Sub-blocks, wards in each union within every upazila, and all EPI centers, wards, and zones of 12 City Corporations in Bangladesh Prepare JavaScript file according to created shapefiles and submit JS file for all wards in each union within every 495 upazila compile it by 64 districtsand the 12 City Corporations in BangladeshJuly 2024- December 2024 Develop and implement robust data encryption and access control systems to protect sensitive GIS data. Ensured field survey data securityJuly 2024- December 2024 Category 4: GIS dashboards Integrate shape file with DHIS2/OpenSRP-based micro plan and service data using API and generate GIS visualization. Develop/ Enhancement the Extract Transform Load (ETL) process using API to import yearly micro plan and monthly service data from DHIS2/OpenSRP-based system for all wards in each union within every 495 upazila under 64 districts and the 12 City Corporations in Bangladesh. Shapefile attribute table of each location will be updated with the facility registry codeFebruary 2024- December 2024 Develop an integrated dashboard for all district and city corporations. GIS dashboard will be developed for all districts, upazila, and city corporations with microplan and coverage data.April 2024- December 2024 Prepare the dashboard as required by the MoH A dashboard requirement analysis document will be submitted. A public dashboard will be developed based on the requirement. April 2024- December 2024 Develop a mobile-based dashboard for Android and iOS A mobile-based dashboard for Android and iOS will be developed and hosted in the Google Play Store and iOS app storeJune 2024- December 2024Category 5: Support to Knowledge management, technical writing and Documentation5.1 Develop a pool of trainers/facilitators at national, district, city corporation, and upazila levels who can troubleshoot and guide the implementation of GIS-based online microplan Train x Health managers from national MIS and EPI program, 64 district, 12 city corporation, and 495 upazila, 110 Municipalities levels on GIS-based online microplanning February 2024- December 2024 Develop comprehensive documentation detailing the procedures, methodologies, and outcomes of the GIS project for future reference and replication. Submit comprehensive documentation report/ Project completion report, including detailed procedures. February 2024- December 2024 Develop user-friendly guides and training materials, such as a manual in the local language, to facilitate a better understanding of the GIS-based online micro plan processes. Prepare and provide training manuals in Bangla to the participantsFebruary 2024- December 2024 Documentation of training sessions and workshops Prepare a banner for each training session and workshop. Taking pictures for further reportingFebruary 2024- December 2024 Category 6: Knowledge sharing Handover shapefile of all 64 districts, including all wards within all unions under 495 upazila and 12 city corporations, including all City Corporations Zones and Wards, 110 Municipalities, in Bangladesh to MIS, DGHS, and UNICEF. All shapefiles of the 64 districts, including all wards within all unions under 495 upazila and 12 city corporations, including all City Corporations Zones and Wards, 110 Municipalities, in Bangladesh will be handover to MIS, DGHS and UNICEF with a signed receive copyDecember 2024 5. Reporting requirements An Inception Report should be submitted two weeks after the start of the assignment. After this point, written monthly reports should be submitted by email by the 1st week ofthe next month. Monthly progress meeting will be held in MIS /UNICEF. 6. Payment Schedule 10% of total fee upon submission of the inception report. 20% of total fee on submission of report of activities after 3 months of activities completion 20% of total fee on submission and approval of report of completed deliverables after 6 months of activities completion. 20% of total fee on submission and approval report of completed deliverables at the end of 9 months of activities completion. 30% of total fee on submission and approval report of completed deliverables at the end of 12 months of activities completion. 7. Qualification requirement of the company/institution/organization The agency should Provide a comprehensive company profile, highlighting expertise in Geographic Information System (GIS) and related technologies. Demonstrate experience preferably in health sector in similar assignments, including size, scope, and complexity, supported by evidence like completion certificates or references. Legal permission and appropriate licensing to operate and conduct the required GIS tasks. Prior experience with UN agencies, NGOs, or government is preferred, along with the capabilityto deploy experienced manpower effectively. Assign an English-speaking project leader with a minimum of 10 years of experience in similar projects, adept at handling sensitive information. Adherence to UNICEF/Government Information Security Policy and compliance with design and accessibility standards. 7a. Qualification requirement of the team (optional) In addition, the project leader should: Expertise in GIS and Remote Sensing: Team members should possess specialized knowledge in GIS, remote sensing, and related technologies relevant to public health and immunization programs. Experience inPublic Health Projects focusing on immunization: Demonstrable experience in in the public health sector, with a focus on immunization programs. Desirable to have GIS experience Data Analysis and Management Skills: Proficiency in data collection, analysis, and management, specifically in handling large-scale geographic and health data. Training and Capacity Building: Experience in conducting training sessions and capacity building in GIS tools and applications.Communication and Collaboration: Strong communication skills for effective teamwork and collaboration with government bodies, NGOs, andinternational agencies like UNICEF 8. Evaluation Process and Method Proposals submitted in response to the RFPs that will be received in time and which will respect all requirements (e.g., strict separation of technical proposal and financial proposal) will be reviewed by an evaluation panel. According to the standard procedure of UNICEF, technical proposals will be reviewed first (before opening the financial proposals). For this technical proposal, the weight allocated to the technical proposal is 80 % (i.e., 80 out of 100 points). To be further considered for the financial evaluation, a minimum score of 59 points is required. Only proposals with a score of 49 or more points in the technical evaluation will be financially evaluated (i.e., the financial proposal will be opened). For further details and the distribution of points kindly refer to table 1 below. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CATEGORYPOINTSOVERALL RESPONSE* The agency has over 8 years of experience in the market.* The agency requires a quality assurance system.* The agency has experience in maintenance support. (5)221METHODOLOGY AND DETAILED TIMELINE* Understanding of the data collection, storage and visualization for the public health and medical needs. * The technical proposal consists of a sequence of activities for the smooth running of Maternalstic and has guaranteed the outputs(35)10 10 105ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY and PROPOSED TEAM* Professional expertise of the firm/company/organization, knowledge, and experience with GIS, DHIS2 and should have previous working experience with MIS, DGHS* Team leader: The contractor should appoint an English-speaking project leader with at least 10 years of proven work experience in leading similar projects and deal with sensitive and confidential information, especially those associated with vulnerable individua* Team members - Have at least 5 years of experience in public health and immunization, large-scale Health Management Information System implementation using DHIS2.* Organization of the team and rolesally compliant and in order, for the Financial Proposals to be opened. Financial proposal has a total score of 30 points.The final selection of the bidder will be based on a quality and cost basis as specified in the RFP.
Publish Date: 28-Feb-2024
Type of Notice: Request for proposal


 Tender Notice
