Market Consultation Relating to the Advance Works Archaeology Contract Package for... Tender

TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE IRELAND (TII) has floated a tender for Market Consultation Relating to the Advance Works Archaeology Contract Package for Metrolink. The project location is Ireland and the tender is closing on 10 Nov 2024. The tender notice number is 684867-2023, while the TOT Ref Number is 94452048. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Ireland

Summary : Market Consultation Relating to the Advance Works Archaeology Contract Package for Metrolink

Deadline : 10 Nov 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 94452048

Document Ref. No. : 684867-2023

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Metrolink will provide a high speed, high capacity, high frequency, modern and efficient public transport service for people travelling along the Swords/Airport to City Centre corridor in Dublin. In advance of the MetroLink main infrastructure works contracts, TII shall execute a programme of Advance Enabling Works contracts, These key contracts will commence in advance of the main infrastructure works contracts (civil engineering, tunnelling, and stations) commencing on site and are designed to clear a path for the main infrastructure works contractors, to ensure that the site areas are free from existing utilities, archaeology, heritage. One of these contracts is the Advance Works Archaeology Contract Package. From Estuary Station to Glasnevin Station, it is proposed to carry out a bespoke package of archaeological and cultural heritage works (M130) to appropriately mitigate potential cultural heritage impacts along this section of the proposed project. The primary focus of this phase of market consultation is on the Advanced Works Archaeology Contract Package. The tender process will commence immediately following the grant of an Enforceable Railway Order. It is intended that the advance works contracts will be tendered as employer designed contracts. In January 2023, TII appointed Atkins Consultant Engineers to carry out the detailed design and prepare the tender documents for these contracts. TII wishes to receive feedback from interested parties on the proposed delivery...
Document Type: Prior Information Notice
Reference Number: M130
Contract Type: services
Authority Type: body-pl-cga
Doc Title: Market Consultation relating to the Advance Works Archaeology contract package for MetroLink
Dispatch Date: 2023-11-09
Publish Date: 2023-11-10
Submission Date: 2024-11-10


 Tender Notice

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