Procurement Summary
Country : Slovakia
Summary : Mobile Hangar for the Protection and Maintenance of Aviation Equipment Description: the Subject of the Order is the Purchase of Mobile Hangars for the Protection and Maintenance of Aviation Equipment (Hereinafter Referred to as the "Hangar"). they...
Deadline : 02 Apr 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 98629917
Document Ref. No. : 8073 - IOx
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : EUR 4273855
Purchaser's Detail
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Email : Login to see tender_details
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Mobile hangar for the protection and maintenance of aviation equipment Description: The subject of the contract is the purchase of Mobile hangars for the protection and maintenance of aviation equipment (hereinafter referred to as "the hangar").effects and ensuring the possibility of performing service maintenance of aircraft equipment even in difficult meteorological conditions, while ensuring adequate working comfort. The hangar must also ensure the safe and problem-free placement of at least one F-16 aircraft or UH-60 p helicopterri compliance with the minimum safety distances from the walls of the hangar. Delivery is required: - 3 pcs of Mobile hangar for the protection of aviation equipment and - 2 pcs of Mobile hangar for the protection and maintenance of aviation equipment, while the description of the subject of the order (hangars) is given in SECTION B.2 DESCRIPTION SUBJECT OF THE ORDER in Suťaznconditions for this public procurement. Type of order: Goods 4.1.4 Scope of procurement Estimated value Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (value): 4, 273, 855 Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (currency): Euro Information on the main classification of the subject of the order Classification type:Common procurement glossary Main CPV code: Stany Information on additional classification of the subject of the contract Information on additional classification of the subject of the contract Classification type: Common procurement dictionary 4.1.5 Information on the place of fulfillment Information on the place of fulfillment Street: VU 1201 Kuchyňa Nizsiaterritorial unit of the country: Bratislava region Country: Slovakia 4.2 Competition conditions 4.2.1 Reasons for exclusion Reasons for exclusion Reason for exclusion: Corruption Description/method of proof: The applicant or interested party proves that the condition of participation §32 par. 1 letter. b) Act on public procurement no. 343/2015 Coll. 1. a certified confirmation from the health insurance company and the Social Insurance Company not older than three months, 2. an entry in the List of Economic Subjects, 3. pre-filled uniform European...
Deadline for submitting bids: (date): 02/04/2024 Deadline for submitting bids (time): 08:00 Language for submitting documents Languages in which bids can be submitted: SLK, CES Information on opening of bids Date of opening of bids: 03/04/2024 Time Bid opening: 13:00 Description of bid opening: Otvaranimelectronic bids are understood to be made available online in IS EVO by the public procurement tender evaluation committee (hereinafter referred to as the "commission") to all bidders who have submitted a bid. When opening bids, the committee will proceed in accordance with Section 52, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the ZVO. Commission through functionalityIS EVO will make available to all bidders who have submitted a bid information on the number of submitted bids and proposals for meeting the criteria, which can be expressed by the number of all bids submitted in the relevant part of the contract within the deadline for submitting bids according to point 20.1 of this section of the tender documents. Osthe personal data given in the offer, including the trade name or name, seat, place of business or residence address of all applicants will not be published. Place of opening of bids: Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Office for Investments and Acquisitions, Za Kasarňa 3, 832 47 Bratislava Method of submitting bids or requestsapplications for participation Electronic submission of bids: Mandatory Address for submitting bids (URL): Information on tender documents Information on tender documents Limited access to tender documents: None restrictions on access to documentom Official language of tender documents: Slovak Tender documents (URL): Document/contract designation: UpIA-EL3/18-62-6/2024 -OOVS Communication channel ad hoc Name of electronic means: IS EVO Organization providing tosupplementary information supplementary information provider ID: ORG-0002 (Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic) Organization providing documents document provider ID: ORG-0002 (Minister...
Tender Notice