Procurement Summary
Country : Slovakia
Summary : Photovoltaic Electricity Se Novaky _ Floods Particular Description: the Subject of the Project is the Preparation of the Implementation Project and the Construction of a Photovoltaic Electrical for the Production of Electricity on the Locality En ...
Deadline : 27 Jun 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 102450280
Document Ref. No. : 14553 - IOx
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : EUR 10972327.64
Purchaser's Detail
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Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Photovoltaic Electricity Electricity Novaky _ Floods Particular Description: The subject of the project is the preparation of the implementation project and the construction of a photovoltaic electrical for the production of electricity on the locality ENO flood podium with the execution of 10MWP including the contesting facility type: goods supplementing types: services, work. The estimated value assumed value (BT-27-Procedure) (value): 10 972 327.64 Anticipated value (BT-27-Procedure) (currency): Euro maximum value of Ramco's agreement maximal value of Ramco Agreement (BT-271-ProDure) (value) (value) : 10 972 327.64 Maximum value of Ramco's Agreement (BT-271-Procedure) (currency): Euro main classification type of classification: joint vocabulary of the Main CPV COD CPV CPV: Solar Information Facilities SLOVIAK OF OBSULATIONS REPRESENTATION CPV code: Sunny collectors 4.1.5 Information on the point of information on the point of information on the place of fulfillment Street: Electricity Novaky Street: Zavod brown -coarse Electricity Electricity Novaky City: Zemianske Kostoľany Nizsia Nizsia Nizza unit country: Trencin region Country: Slovakia 4.2 rubble ...
time limit for submission of tenders: (date): 27.06.2024 time limit for submission (time): 11:00 Binding of the offer of time limit until the offer must remain a bound time limit until the offer must remain bound (BT-98 -Lot) (value): 6 time limit until the offer must remain bound (BT-98-Lot) (unit): Month language for submitting documents of languages in which you can submit offers: Slovak Information Opening Offer Dating Datum Opening Sound: 27.06. 2024 Opening time: 13:00 Description of Opening Offer: Optoration The offer takes place electronically online in system ERANET instead of opening the offer: onlineHTPS: // Security requires security: It requires a security composition to ensure. selects from the above alternative. 513/1991 Coll. Business Convention in the wording of later regulations. The guaranteed list may be issued by a bank with a seat in the Slovak Republic, a branch of a foreign bank in the Slovak Republic or a foreign bank. The period of validity of the bank guarantee in the guarantee list must be set at least until the end ...
Tender Notice