Procurement Summary
Country : Ireland
Summary : Power Line Carrier Hv/Hf (High Frequency) Line Coupling Equipment Pursuant to a Framework Agreement
Deadline : 04 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 96045359
Document Ref. No. : 3000727
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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The Contracting Entity intends to procure a framework agreement for the supply of Power Line Carrier HV, HF line coupling equipment. A Power Line Carrier (PLC) terminal is an electrical apparatus installed in a high voltage substation that enables communication over a high voltage (HV) line to a remote substation. High Voltage, High Frequency (HV, HF) PLC coupling equipment is mounted on the overhead line and couples the low voltage HF communications signal onto the high voltage line. HV, HF line coupling consists of the following devices: Line Trap A line trap is a device inserted into high voltage a.c. transmission lines that prevents undue loss of carrier signal power, typically in the range 30 kHz to 500kHz under all power system conditions and to minimize interference from carrier signalling systems on adjacent transmission lines. The contracted entity shall offer line traps conforming to the following standard IEC 60353, or equivalent. Coupling Capacitors A coupling capacitor is a device connected to a high voltage a.c. transmission line that couples the carrier signal typically in the range 30 kHz to 500 kHz on and off the transmission line. The contracted entity shall offer coupling capacitors conforming to the following standard IEC 60358 or equivalent. It is proposed that the framework agreement will include the supply of the following items over the term of the contract: 10 x 400kV Line Traps 10 x 400kV Coupling Capacitors 10 x 220kV Line Traps 10 x 220kV Coupling Capacitors 20 x 110kV Line Traps 20 x 110kV Coupling Capacitors The quantities stated above are estimated.
Procedure : Negotiated with prior call for competition
Publication Date : 04/03/2024
Deadline : 04/03/2024 11:00:00
Tender Notice