Procurement Summary
Country : Czech Republic
Summary : Processing Project Documentation for the Total Reconstruction of the Warehouse Building and Adjacent Land at Svatoplukova 2771/1 in Ostrava for the Needs of the Food Bank in Ostrava, Z. S., to the Extent to Publish ...
Deadline : 03 Jun 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 100702387
Document Ref. No. : N006/24/V00012602
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Email : Login to see tender_details
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Processing project documentation for the total reconstruction of the warehouse building and adjacent land at Svatoplukova 2771/1 in Ostrava for the needs of the food bank in Ostrava, Z. S., to the extent to be issued for the construction
The subject of the fulfillment of the public contract is the complete processing of project documentation in the level for building permits and documentation for the construction of the construction to the extent according to Annex No. 11 and No. 13 of Decree No. 499/2006 Coll. 405/2017 Coll.) And Documentation for awarding the Public Procurement to the extent and details according to Decree No. 169/2016 Coll. as amended. The contract includes the performance of complete engineering activities for the issue of building permits, cooperation with the contracting authority during the tendering procedure for construction work (ie the selection of the contractor) and the performance of author's supervision in the construction. The subject of performance of the public contract is specified in detail in the terms and conditions (Annex to the documentation of the selection procedure) and in the specification of the subject of performance (Annex to the documentation of the selection procedure).
Current Status of ZP: not ended
Division intoo Parts: no
ZP Identifier on the Contracting Authority's Profile: P24V00012602
Type of entry procedure: open challenge
Procurement Specifications: Low -range order
Kind of of: Public Procurement for Services
Date of Publication of Zp on the Profile: 04/30/2024 08:43 am
Code from CPV dial: 71240000
Name from CPV dial: architectural, technical and planning services
Subject name: architectural, technical application services
Text box for description of the filling point:
Nipez code list code: 71240000-2
Name from Nipez dial: architectural, technical and planning services
Main place of performance: architectural, technical and planning services
Tender Notice