TANZANIA HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION has floated a tender for Provision of Consultancy Services. The project location is Tanzania and the tender is closing on 22 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 2023-TCP/03/01, while the TOT Ref Number is 98752871. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Tanzania

Summary : Provision of Consultancy Services

Deadline : 22 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98752871

Document Ref. No. : 2023-TCP/03/01

Competition : ICB

Financier : United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Request for proposals are invited for Provision of Various Consultancy Services.

THIS TENDER ExPIRES at 11:00am on Friday March 22nd, 2024

Introduction to TAHA, TARIC and Tuhifadhi Chakula Project

TAHA is an apex member based private sector organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticulture industry in Tanzania. Since its inception in 2004, TAHA has been an effective voicing platform for producers, traders, exporters and processors of horticultural products mainly; flowers, fruits, vegetables, horticultural seeds, and spices. The Association safeguards the interests of industry stakeholders and ensures industry issues are well represented within national and international agendas. Visit us at https://www.taha.or.tz/taha/about

TARIC, a powerful digital resource, meant to serve information and data to all the stakeholders and aspirants of the horticul- tural industry. TARIC is available as a Web App, accessed via: https://www.taric.co.tz/ and as a mobile Apps, available in play store as TARIC. TARIC was launched by TAHA in November of 2022. TARIC contains three information dissemination products, namely: data, learning and reports and publications. The data product contains key statistics and information on all the value-chain actors and its- stages. The learning product has various learning materials and tools which has targeted to build capacity to farmers and buyers in the horticultural industry. The reports and publications contain various reports, articles, and information briefs about the industry.

USAID Tuhifadhi Chakula Project (USAID - TCP) is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by TAHA. The overarching objective of the Project is to reduce food loss and waste and resultant climate effects for improved food security and livelihoods.

The project has been co-created to improve food handling, storage, and value addition, facilitate market access, inform and promote policy and regulatory frameworks that reduce food loss and waste, and strengthen local organizations- capacity to lead in post-harvest management. Overall, the project will contribute to reducing post-harvest losses from 30-40% for horticulture to 15% and from 13% to 7% for cereals by the end of the project.

TAHA through USAID TCP has set aside a budget to solicit and engage eligible and qualified consultants to provide the following services:

i. Digital content streamlining services for the purpose of optimizing and simplifying the creation, management, distribution, and delivery of digital content across various channels and platforms.

ii. Technical software advisory services for the purpose of ensuring a smooth operation and maintenance of a TARIC.

iii. Conducting a review of the current status of the market support facilities in USAID Tuhifadhi Chakula Project regions.

iv. Assessment of the Compliance Capacity to Regulatory and Private Sector Standards of the Horticultural Cottage Industry (MSMEs) in Tanzania.

A. High Level Scope of Work

Digital Content Streamlining Consultant:

A digital content streamlining consultant, will be responsible for optimizing the content creation, management, and distribution processes of TARIC, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and effectiveness in delivering valuable information to the target audiences while maximizing user experience and stakeholder engagement.

Consultant for Technical Software Advisory Services:

The consultant shall be responsible for ensuring a smooth operation and maintenance of TARIC. This involves overseeing the technical infrastructure, software development and maintenance, troubleshooting technical issues, ensuring security and data privacy, implementing software updates and performance optimization, managing backups and disaster recovery, documenting technical information, and collaborating with other stakeholders to ensure the optimal functioning of TARIC.

Conducting a Review of the Current Status of the Market Support Facilities:

To assess the existing market support facilities in the project regions which are Dodoma, Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Kilimanja-ro, Morogoro, Mbeya, Njombe, Tanga, Pwani and Zanzibar; analyzing their current status to inform the needed areas for improvement, determining the capacity in terms of volume and the number of stakeholders they are serving.

Assessment of the Compliance Capacity to Regulatory and Private Sector Standards of the Horticultural Cottage Indus- try (MSMEs) in Tanzania:

To conduct a comprehensive institutional capacity assessment of the Cottage Industry of Tanzania, specifically Micro, Small Scale to Medium Horticultural Processors, for purposes of establishing a clear understanding of the compliance capabilities of MSMEs. Further the findings will inform implementation initiatives, capacity building interventions and support bolstering of the MSMEs compliance to regulatory and private sector standards.

B. Submission Instructions

Interested consultants or firms should download the terms of references through the link: https://shorturl.at/iyEW4

C. Clarification on the Advert

• All correspondence related to the RFP shall be made in English.

• Each consultancy opportunity should be responded to separately.

• Should there be any uncertainty, the Bidder shall seek clarification in writing through e- mail to: procurement@taha.or.tz

• Any clarification sought by the bidder in respect to the RFP shall be titled CLARIFICATION - ( Insert Consultancy Name ).

• TAHA will only respond to requests for clarification received no later than Tuesday, March 19, 2024.

• Copies of TAHA-s response will be forwarded to all registered participants (registration form on Appendix 1), including a description of the inquiry, but without identifying its source.


 Tender Notice

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