UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME has floated a tender for Purchase of Crime Scene Investigation Kits. The project location is Moldova and the tender is closing on 02 May 2024. The tender notice number is RfQ24/02854, while the TOT Ref Number is 100090436. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Moldova

Summary : Purchase of Crime Scene Investigation Kits

Deadline : 02 May 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 100090436

Document Ref. No. : RfQ24/02854

Competition : ICB

Financier : Other Funding Agencies

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Quotation are invited for Purchase of Crime Scene Investigation Kits for the Police Academy-S Forensic Laboratory
1. Crime Scene Marking Kit kits 4
Used by forensic investigators to accurately
document and mark evidence at a crime scene.
1. Case
2. Fiberglass reel tape
3. Metal measuring tape
4. Folding ruler
5. Laser rangefinder
Any other accessory which is required for operation
should be included and described in your offered
Case: 1 pc per kit
- Preferably black or any dark color
- Anti corrosive hinges
- Two latches
- Preferably folding front handle
- Supports at least 10 kg
- Padding: foam insert or elastic straps
Fiberglass reel tape: 1 pc
per kit
- Yellow fiberglass;
- Length - min. 30 m;
- Black millimeter and centimeter markings;
- Flexible, resistant to moisture, non-electrically
conductive, resistant to physical actions of twisting,
bending and breaking;
- Versatile end hook;
- Rewind crank.
Metal measuring tape: 1
pc per kit
- Anticorrosive finish;
- Yellow color;
- Length - 5 m;
- Black millimeter and centimeter markings;
- Flexible, resistant to moisture, non-electrically
conductive, resistant to physical actions of twisting,
bending and breaking;
- Versatile end hook
- Locking mechanism
Folding ruler: 1 pc per kit - Wooden or metal
- Alternative black/white metric marking
- Length - 1 m;
- Joints with stops
Laser rangefinder: 1 pc
per kit
- Laser beam, class II
- Optical device to follow laser beam on long
- Measuring range: 0.05 m up to 200 m
- Accuracy: +/- 2 mm
- Backlit display
- Tripod mounting possibility
- Metric units
- Possibility to memorize the last 10 measurements
- Continuous measurements function
A-Frame evidence
marking tents: 1 pc per
- Letters: A to G
- Numbers: 1 to 20
- Yellow color with black printing
- Square or rectangular shape of sides
- Dimensions: 7-10 cm
- Carrying case/bag
Evidence marking flags: 1
pc per kit
- Metallic pole
- Height: 30-40 cm
- Colour: red (10 pcs), yellow (10 pcs), green (10 pcs)
- Carrying case/bag
Photo evidence tape: 3
pcs per kit
- Adhesive tape
- Width: 10-15 mm
- Length: 3 m with 0-30 cm repeat
- Metric (millimeters and centimeters) black marking
on white matte finish
Vinyl magnetic evidence
scale: 4 pcs of each color
- Metric (centimeters and millimeters) marking
- Black on white
- White on black
- Length - 15 cm
Reflective chalk: 3 pcs per kit
Permanent markers and water-based markers (red, black, blue): 1 pc of each
type and color per one kit
Clutch/mechanical pencil with red, black, blue leads 1 set of leads of each color)
Fluorescent pencils for forensic marking (red) 3 pcs per kit
Stickers (set of min 50 pcs): 1 set of each color per kit
- Red and green
- Width - 10 cm
- Length - 1.5 cm
User manuals for the kit (if applicable), preferable in
Romanian language (optional English or Russian).
2. Universal Forensic Kit kits 10
A comprehensive set of tools and materials designed
for forensic analysis across various types of
1. Case
2. Fingerprint ink pad
3. Fingerprint ink roller
4. Black fingerprint ink
5. Ink cleaning solution or wipes
6. Gelatin lifters for fingerprints
7. Fingerprint lifters (size 10 x 15 cm)
8. Fingerprint lifters (size 5 x 10 cm)
9. Transparent lifting tape
10. Small particle reagents
11. Latent print powders
12. Magnetic latent print powders
13. Standard fiberglass brush
14. Magnetic powder applicator with protective
15. Squirrel or Camel hair brush (type 1)
16. Squirrel or Camel hair brush (type 2)
17. Digital caliper
18. Stainless steel scissors:
19. Silicone casting kit
20. Silicone rubber spray
21. Modeling clay (monochrome bars)
22. Round magnet with handle
23. Flat tip tweezers (type 1)
24. Flat tip tweezers (type 2)
25. Sharp tip tweezers
26. Surgical scalpel handle
27. Disposable sterile scalpel blades
28. Metal measuring tape
29. Thin sterile surgical gloves (size xL)
30. Thick rubber gloves
31. Zip-lock plastic bags
32. Sterile plastic bags
33. Transparent evidence collection plastic tubes
with cap
34. Stickers with figures 0 to 9
35. Stickers with printed arrows
36. Universal plier
37. Fixing spray
38. Plastic mixing container/bowl
39. Permanent red marker
40. Flashlight
41. Magnifying glass
42. Phillips screwdriver
43. Flat-head screwdriver
44. Voltage tester screwdriver
45. Glass cutter
46. Reflective chalk
Any other accessory which is required for operation
should be included and described in your offered
Case: - ABS
- Preferably black or any dark color
- Anti corrosive hinges
- Two latches
- Preferably folding front handle
- Supports at least 10 kg;
- Padding: foam insert or elastic straps
Fingerprint ink pad:
- Plastic or similar material case
- Snap lock (or similar) lid
- Minimum active surface - 12 cm x 6 cm
Fingerprint ink roller: - Made of rubber
- Width: 5-7 cm
- Handle bracket
Black fingerprint ink (min 100 ml)
Ink cleaning solution (min 100 ml) or wipes (min 100 pcs)
Gelatin lifters for
fingerprints: 30 pcs of
each color per kit
Size: 13 x 18 cm (±2 cm)
- Black
- White
- Transparent
- Supplied within a cold bag
Note: Only 20 pcs of lifters of each color will be
supplied within the main case. The remaining
quantity of lifters will be supplied in a separate
resupply box within a cold bag.
Fingerprint lifters: 20 pcs
of each color per kit
Size: 10 x 15 cm (±2 cm)
- Black
- White
- Transparent
Fingerprint lifters: 50 pcs
of each color per kit
Size: 5 x 10 cm (±2 cm)
- Black
- White
- Transparent
Note: Only 20 pcs of lifters of each color will be
supplied within the main case. The remaining
quantity of lifters will be supplied in a separate
resupply box within a cold bag.
Transparent lifting tape: - Length: min 10 m
- Width: min 3 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm
Small particle reagents: - Light-coloured surfaces - 500 ml
- Dark-coloured surfaces - 500 ml
Each container shall be provided with a dispenser
spray head
Latent print powders: - Color: white, black and silver
- Application by powdering or by using special
- Operating temperature range: -10° C/ +45°C
- Storage box
Magnetic latent print
- Black
- Double contrast
- Fluorescent red
- Storage box
Standard fiberglass
brush: 2 pcs per kit
- Length of active part of brush - at least 5 cm
- Protective container and cap
Magnetic powder applicator with protective container
Squirrel or Camel hair
brush: 2 pcs per kit
- Uncut hair
- Semicircle
- Wooden handle - 10-15 cm long
- Length of active part of brush - at least 3 cm
- Protective container and cap
Squirrel or Camel hair
brush (type 2): 2 pcs per
- Uncut hair
- Semicircle
- Wooden handle - 15-20 cm long
- Length of active part of brush - at least 3 cm
- Protective container and cap
Digital caliper: - Stainless steel
- Length - 15 cm
Stainless steel scissors: - Rounded tips
- Length - 10-15 cm
Silicone casting kit:1 set - Liquid silicone rubber - 1 tube of min 150 g
- 1 vial of catalyst - quantity sufficient for the liquid
silicone rubber quantity
- Plastic spatula - 1 pc
- Silicone compound to be of light color, waterproof
and able to return to original shape after
- Silicone compound hardens within 10 minutes
Silicone rubber spray (1 tube of min 150 ml)
Modeling clay (monochrome bars, at least 30 g/bar) 3 pcs per kit
Round magnet with handle (diameter: 20-25 mm)
Flat tip tweezers (type 1): - Material: Stainless steel
- Length: 10-15 cm
Flat tip tweezers (type 2): - Material: Stainless steel
- Length: 20-25 cm
Sharp tip tweezers: - Material: Stainless steel
- Length: 8-10 cm
Surgical scalpel handle: plastic or similar material.
Disposable sterile scalpel blades (packed separately), compatible with the
surgical scalpel handle. 10 pcs per 1 kit
Metal measuring tape: - Anticorrosive finish
- Yellow color
- Length: 5 m
- Black millimeter and centimeter markings
- Versatile end hook
- Locking mechanism
Thin sterile surgical gloves (size xL) 5 pairs per kit
Thick rubber gloves
Zip-lock plastic bags: 5
pcs per kit
- Dimensions: 15-20 cm x 45-50 cm
Sterile plastic bags: 5 pcs
per kit
- Dimensions: 10-15 cm x 40-45 cm
Transparent evidence
collection plastic tubes
with cap: 5 pcs per kit
- Diameter: 2 cm
- Length: 15-20 cm
Stickers with figures 0 to 9 (6 pcs per A4 sheet, one sheet for each figure) 10
sheets per kit
Stickers with printed
arrows: 4 sheets
- Black marking on white background
- Length: 30-40 mm
- Width: 10-20 mm
Universal plier: - Anticorrosive finish
- Insulated handles
Fixing spray: - 1 tube of 100 ml
- Colourless
- Operation temperature range: -10° C/ +40°C
- Drying/hardening time: up to 5 min
Plastic mixing container/bowl, diameter at the top 12-15 cm
Permanent red marker
Flashlight - UV LED technology
- Wave length: 395 nm (+/- 5 nm)
- Dimensions: diameter - up to 4 cm, length - up to
15 cm
- Rechargeable battery
- Battery life (fully charged): at least 2 hours
- Battery charger included
- Body: metal or highly resistant plastic
Magnifying glass: - Diameter: 75 mm
- Magnification: 3.5 x or more
Phillips screwdriver: length 15-17 cm
Flat-head screwdriver: length 18-20 cm
Voltage tester screwdriver: Voltage: AC 100-500V
Glass cutter
Reflective chalk: 3 pcs per kit
User manuals for the kit (if applicable), preferable in
Romanian language (optional English or Russian).
3. Trace evidence kit kits 4
Used to collect and preserve small, often
microscopic, pieces of physical evidence found at a
crime scene.
1. Case
2. MIKROSIL Kit (brown and white)
3. Dental gypsum or Crownstone plaster
4. Rubber mixing container/bowl
5. Adjustable


 Tender Notice

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