Qualitative Study on Barriers to Inclusion for Identification Eco-System in Chad Tender

WORLD BANK(WB) has floated a tender for Qualitative Study on Barriers to Inclusion for Identification Eco-System in Chad. The project location is Chad and the tender is closing on 29 Jul 2024. The tender notice number is 0002010142, while the TOT Ref Number is 104721188. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Chad

Summary : Qualitative Study on Barriers to Inclusion for Identification Eco-System in Chad

Deadline : 29 Jul 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 104721188

Document Ref. No. : 0002010142

Competition : ICB

Financier : World Bank (WB)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

The team is looking for a company withkey staff based in Chad that can be quickly mobilized to conduct a qualitativeresearch study to better understand the factors behind the low demand for CRand ID, measures to improve the quality of service, key design considerationsfor identification systems planned for inclusion and to identify prioritysectors for CR/ID systems based on public input (e.g., financial services, public management, etc.) to inform the above-mentioned investment project andfuture government implementation projects. Theresults of this qualitative study will help government decision-makers to:· Understandthe reasons for the low demand for CR/ID in the country and the main reasonsfor late birth registration. The project seeks to reveal experiences, userjourneys, perceptions, and barriers to access for the general population aswell as for marginalized populations such as refugees and displacedpeople. · Understandexisting or potential incentives for different groups to obtain and usecredentials, particularly in the context of accessing services, such asaccessing social safety net benefits, health and education programs, or digitalpayments. The study aims to identify, based on the data collected, the mainpriority use cases of identification systems in different sectors. · Inform the planned design anddeployment of digitized identification systems by ensuring that it is robust, reliable, and inclusive so that underserved communities can access and areincentivized to access legal proof of identity on an equal footing with thegeneral population.



 Tender Notice


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