Rapid Needs Assessment of Cetp & Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility at Jamalpur... Tender

WORLD BANK(WB) has floated a tender for Rapid Needs Assessment of Cetp & Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility at Jamalpur & Sreehatta. The project location is Bangladesh and the tender is closing on 20 Aug 2024. The tender notice number is 0002009999, while the TOT Ref Number is 105646451. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Bangladesh

Summary : Rapid Needs Assessment of Cetp & Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility at Jamalpur & Sreehatta

Deadline : 20 Aug 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 105646451

Document Ref. No. : 0002009999

Competition : ICB

Financier : World Bank (WB)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

The Bangladesh Water Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (BWMSP) wasformed in 2015, to which 2030 WRG serves as a secretariat. The partnership wasformalized through a gazette notification, giving it a quasi-legal status. Theoverall goal is to develop a fact-based, analytical approach to address watersecurity at national and local levels for economic development and a healthyecosystem. As interagency coordination is vital for successful water reforms, the 2030 WRG BWMSP promotes coordination across sectors to establish efficientand sustainable partnerships.Therecently initiated Delta Plan Accelerator Program of 2030WRG aims to incubatethe development of PPP projects. The first focus area of the acceleratorprogram is water quality targeting CETP & Integrated Solid Waste ManagementFacility (ISWMF) for industrial effluent in both formal and informal EconomicZones and industrial parks as well as urban wastewater and fecal sludgemanagement. Jamalpur & Sreehatta Economic Zones are prioritized by theBangladesh Economic Zones Authority under Prime Minister-s Office. As per therecommendation of the EZ master plan, BEZA envisages to plan, develop andimplement the CETP and ISWMF aimed at managing mixed industrial and municipal liquidand solid waste, including collection, transfer, sorting, treatment, disposal, coupled with resource recovery, recycling of waste, environmental lab andmonitoring system in a phase-wise/modular approach. The project needs to becomprehensive and aligned to deliver on the Vision 2041 of the Government ofBangladesh. BEZA is keen to implement the said components preferrably as a public-private partnership (PPP)project. In this context, a rapid assessment will be conducted to conceptualizeand assess the preliminary viability of the CETP and ISWM services in the EZs preferablyunder PPP mode. The rapid assessment will form the basis for a detailedfeasibility study to be undertaken later for the said Projects in Jamalpur& Sreehatta Economic Zones which would comply...


 Tender Notice


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