Procurement Summary
Country : Bangladesh
Summary : Re-Construction, Widening, Strengthening of Flexible Pavement, Construction of Culvert, Construction of Rigid Pavement, Construction of Road Embankment, Construction of Drain and Protective Work From...
Deadline : 31 Jul 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 103994825
Document Ref. No. : 01 e-GP/JRD/Dev/2023-2024 (Re-tender)
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Project Name : Improvement of Digpaith-Sharishabari-Tarakandi Road of Jamalpur District to approprate standard and width
Information for Tenderer/Consultant :
Eligibility of Tenderer : All Bangladeshi national tenderers regardless of whether enlisted or not enlisted with the employer may submit Tenders provided that they are qualified as per Qualification Criteria Specified in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the Tender Document. The following conditions shall be considered:1. The Tenders shall be evaluated in the e-GP system with the help of necessary database (If Required). 2. Tenderers are requested to submit only necessary documents to qualify for eligibility criteria. They are discouraged to submit unnecessary additional documents.3.The tender will be evaluated as per submitted documents. If any dissimilarity found in documents submitted by tenderers at any stage of evaluation process, the tenderers will be considered non-Responsive.4. Any non submission of ongoing work or any other information that affect the tender evaluation will be considered as non-eligibility of the tenderer.5. The tenderers will have to submit year wise payment list in individual folder. 6. The tenderers will have to submit list of ongoing works of RHD/other organization in individual folder.7.Tenderer will have to submit the calculated tender capacity along with Supporting documents . 8.The Tenderer shall maintain highest ethics in providing information regarding past performance Evaluation and Rating Matrix for different aspects.9. If the total quoted price is more than 5% (Five percent) less or above than the Engineer's Estimate, the tenderer shall submit item wise Analysis of Rates in support of his quoted rate. 10. If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices of any kind are determined against any tenderer, then measures shall be taken as per law.
Brief Description of Works : Re-construction, Widening, Strengthening of Flexible Pav...
Tender Notice