Procurement Summary
Country : Switzerland
Summary : Realization and Installation of a Pst 153 / 51.5 Kv Transformer Transformer, 100 Mva Ticinese Electric Company
Deadline : 18 Jul 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 102305790
Document Ref. No. : 1425277
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Login to see detailsTender Details
Realization and installation of a PST 153 / 51.5 kV transformer transformer, 100 mva Ticinese electric company
Requesting service/contractor: Ticineseservizio D'Acquiszio/Organizer electricity: Ticinese electricity company, El Stradún 74, 6513 Monte Carasso, Switzerland, Telephone: +41 (0) 91 822 2711, e-mail:, URL
Publish Date: 07.06.2024
Object of the order
2.2 Title of the tender notice: realization and installation of a PST remover transformer 153/51.5 kV, 100 mva
2.3 No. of reference / No. of the project: PL20240004
2.4 Starting in lots? : No
2.5 common vocabulary for public procurement:
2.6 Object and extent of the saleswoman: the contract provides for the realization and installation of a PST spleer transformer 153/51.5 kV, 100 mva
2.7 Place of the provision of services: Manno subostation: Coordinates: 2'714'819, 1'098'550
2.8 Duration of the contract, the framework agreement or the dynamic acquisition system: 30 months after signing the contract: the saleswoman is the subject of renewal: no:
2.9 Options: No:
2, 10 Criteria for the award: economy - Global price weighting 45% Technical features Ponderation 30% Delivery terms Ponderation 20% Quality of Commercial Conditions Offered Ponderation 5%
2.11 Variations are allowed?: No:
2.12 Are partial offers allowed? : No:
2.13 Performance deadline: 30 months after signing the contract:
Tender Notice