Procurement Summary
Country : Slovakia
Summary : Reconstruction, Superstructure and Landing of Pavilon Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of the Head and Neck, Dental and Upright Pharmacy Description: the Subject of the Order is the Implementation of Construction Work Associated Reconstruction, ....
Deadline : 21 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 99045854
Document Ref. No. : 8670 - IOx
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : EUR 19794563.19
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Reconstruction, superstructure and landing of pavilon otorhinolaryngology and surgery of the head and neck, dental and upfront pharmacy Description: The subject of the order is the implementation of construction work by reconstruction, superstructure and building pavilon otorinolaryngology and surgery of head and neck and neck information part of the sight documents. Type of customer: construction work 4.1.4 The procurement scope assumed value expected (BT-27-procedure) (value): 19 794 563.19 Anticipated value (BT-27-Procedure) (currency): Euro information about the main classification : Common dictionary of procurement of Main CPV code: Information construction work on additional classification of the subject of information about information on additional classification of the subject of the order type of classification: joint dictionary complementing CPV code: construction work on hospital facility objects 4.1.5 : Generalla Milos Vesela 21 Street: ENT Pavilon City: Ruzomberok Postal Code: 03426 Nizsia ground unit of the country: Zilinsky region Landscape: Slovakia 4.2 Still conditions 4.2.1 Reasons to exclude the reason for ...
time limit for submission of tenders: (date): 21.03.2024 time limit for submission (time): 08:00 Binding of the offer of time limit until the offer must remain a bound time limit until the offer must remain bound (BT-98 -Lot) (value): 31.05 period until the offer must remain tied (BT-98-Lot) (unit): Day Language for submitting documents Languages in which you can presented offers: SLK, CES Information Ootum Official Outum 21.03.2024 Opening time: 09:00 Description of opening offer: Opening offer, i. Correcting electronics offer "in the EP EVO, is publicly and when opening the offer of the Commission, the Commission proceeds according to § 52 of the Public Procurement Act. Place of opening: Electronically, the Security Security requires security: yes. Information is part of the dedicated documents. The way of submitting an offer or request for the advice of electronic submission Submission: Mandatory address for submitting offer (URL): Information on dedicated documents of information on dedicated documents limited to the dedicated document: Access restrictions on documents Official Language Language Dust: Slovak Squads Documents (URLs): Document/Problem designation: Resources: IS EVO approach to tools that are not generally available (URL): Organization POS ...
Tender Notice