SYRIAN COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY has floated a tender for Renting Buses to Transport Workers. The project location is Syria and the tender is closing on 22 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 165295, while the TOT Ref Number is 98582497. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Syria

Summary : Renting Buses to Transport Workers

Deadline : 22 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98582497

Document Ref. No. : 165295

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

Login to see details

Tender Details

Beginning date: 2024-03-12

Finishing date: 0000-00-00

Syrian Communications Company Announcement of local tender No. / 2 / for the second time and at the total speed

The Suwayda Etisalat branch announces a tender and an inventory or download method to rent buses to transport workers on the following lines:

Business Odem the value of the disclosure

SP initial insurance

S. S. implementation period


1- The first line: As-Suwayda, the housing of the Green Corniche, the western corniche, the junction of the jar roundabout, the branch building, and vice versa





2- The second endosperm line, the mills, the firefighting road, the jar roundabout, the tanks, the branch building, and vice versa. 24570000



3- As-Suwayda Branch Building Merbak Shahba, and vice versa 29484000 884600 30000

4- As -Suwayda Al -Kafr Habran - Sakhd 5- As-Suwayda, the branch building is an ancient park, and vice versa 32760000 982800 33000

Final insurance: 5 % of the contract value of the referral contract. Those who wish to subscribe to the tender must review the Division of Contracts and Procurement in the branch to obtain the conditions book for the amount specified above each g ...

Disclaimer : Submission date not Mention in this Notice so we can assumed date


 Tender Notice