FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE - SKOPJE has floated a tender for Service and Repair of Laboratory Equipment. The project location is Macedonia and the tender is closing on 28 Feb 2024. The tender notice number is 02170/2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 96815125. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Macedonia

Summary : Service and Repair of Laboratory Equipment

Deadline : 28 Feb 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 96815125

Document Ref. No. : 02170/2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Given in the technical specificationBalance, Sartorius, BP 221S, Balance, Sartorius, BL 610, Balance, Sartorius, BL-C, Analytical balance, Sartorius, BL-A, Analytical balance, Sartorius, TE 3135, Analytical balance, Sartorius AG Gottingen, Germany, BP221, Analytical balance, Radwag AS220.R1 PLUS, Balance, CAS, MW-II 300, Balance, Kern, EWJ60001SM, Analytical balance, AE ADAM, AEA-220A, Technical balance, METTLER TOLEDO, AB 104-5, Dilutor gravimetric, Dilumat S, AES Laboratorie, CHEMUNEx, Dilutor gravimetric, AES Laboratorie, Dilumat 3MK2 AESAPAP 1055, Hectoliter scale, Kett Electric Laboratory, PM 600, pH meter, Sartorius, PB20, pH meterJenway, Bibby Scientific, 3510, pH meter, INOLAB, PH level 1, Transmitted pH/mV meter, Eutech PCD650, pH/mV meter, Mettler Toledo SevenDirect SD23 Kit, Moisture meter, Sartorius, MA160-1, Moisture meter, Sartorius, MA- 40, Conductometer, INOLAB, Cond Level 2, Refractometer, KRUSS, DR6000, Turbidimeter, Eutech TN-100, Worksn thermometer, Testo, 925, Thermometer probe, Testo, 6020593, Ultracentrifuge, Sigma, 1-14, Centrifuge, SIGMA, 1-15, Centrifuge, Sigma, 2-5, Centrifuge with cooling, Sigma, 2K-15, Centrifuge, Sigma, 2-16 P, Centrifuge, Sigma, 2-16 PK, Centrifuge, Sigma, 3-18K, Centrifuge, Sigma, 3-18, Centrifuge, Eppendorf, Mini Spin, Centrifuge, Eppendorf, 5451C, Centrifuge, Eppendorf, 5702, Centrifuge, Hettich, Universal 32, Centrifuge, Hettich, Universal R, Rotor 1556, Inserti 1446 1478, Centrifuge, Hettich, Germany, Mikro 120, Centrifuge, Hettich, micro 200, Centrifuge, Hettich, micro 200R, Centrifuge, Hetich Zentrifugen, EBA12, Mini centrifuge, BioSan, Latvia, MSC-3000, Refrigerated centrifuge, MPW, MPW 352R, Centrifuge, MPW, M-Diagnostic, Centrifuge, SANYO, MSE MISTRAL 2000R, Centrifuge, MRC, HSCEN-204, Refrigerated ultracentrifuge, Sorvall, Super 21, St 21, Centrifuge, Tehtnica zeleznicki, LC 320, Cytocentrifuge, Thermo Electron Corp., Shandon Cytospin 4, Centrifuge for fat determination according to Gerber, Funke-Dr.N.Gerber Labortechnik GmbH, Nova Safety, laboratory centrifuge, Centrifuge, Univerzal 320 R, Hettich Zentrifugen, Vortex mixer, Heidolph, REAx top, Vortex mixer, Heidolph, D-91126 Reax top, Vortex, MRC, Israel, SI-100, Vortex mixer, VWR International, BVBA, Vortex, Hycel, A10220, Vortex mixer, IKA, MS1, Vortex mixer, Tehtnica, EV 202, Magnetic stirrer, Hanna, HI 190M, Vortex mixer, BioSan, Latvia, MSV-3600, Magnetic stirrer, Tecno Kartell, TK3S, Thermal magnetic stirrers, VELP Scientifica, VTF EVO, Warmtna magnetic stirrer, Heidolf, MR 3001, Magnetic stirrer, Ohaus Guardian e-G51HS07C, 360 rotation stirrer, Grant-bio, PTR-60, Rod stirrer, Boeco OST-25, Shaker, BIOSAN, Multi Bio 3D, Shaker, IKA, KS 260, Horizontal mixer, IKA, KS501 digital, Thermo shaker, MRC, Israel, DBSC-001, Shakerand with incubator, Heidolph, Titramax, Thermomixer Eppendorf, ThermoMixer C, Smasher, AES CHEMUNEx, Biomerieux, AESAP1064, Smasher, SEWARD, 400 Circulator, Homogenizer, Retsch, MM200, Homogenizer, BIORAD, TESEE, Homogenizer, FASTPREP, FP120, Laboratory blender, Waring, H6BTWT53, Mill, Retsch, Germany, GM 200, Titrator, Methrohn, ME 848, Digital burette, Isolab BURETTE 007.01.002, Pipette automatic Brand HandyStep touch, Pipette automatic Automatic pipettor- Eppendorf Multiipette E3, Incubator, Memmert, Germany, INE 400, Incubator, Memmert, Germany, INE 500, Incubator, Memmert, Germany, INE 600, Inincubator, Memmert, Germany, BE 500, Incubator, Memmert, Germany, BE 600, Incubator, Memmert, Germany, WNB-22, CO2 Incubator, Memmert, INC 246, Incubator, Heraeus Instruments, BK-600, Incubator, Heraeus Instruments, BBK 6220, CO2 Incubator, Heraeus Instruments, BB 6060, Water Cooled Incubator, Sutjeska, br 3, Incubator with water, Sutjeska, br36, Thermostat, Binder, BD23, Thermostat, Binder, BD56, Incubator, Thermo Electron, StabiliTherm 55 EB1, CO2 Incubator, MRC, 3517-2, CO2 Incubator, LEEC, GA2000, CO2 Incubator, Panasonic, MCO-18AC-PE, Incubator, BIORAD, IPS, Incubator, RUCHENG, DH500, OrbitalShaker-incubator, BIOSAN, ES-20/80, Incubator shaker, MRC, TOU-50-2, Termoblok, MRC, DBC-001, Thermoblok, LAB-LINE, multi-blok heater, Thermoblok, FISHER, bain sec 86207, Thermo block, TECHNE, DB-2A, Thermoblock, Thermo Scientific, Drybath Stdrd 1 blck, Water bath, Memmert, Germany, W10, Water bath, Memmert, WB10, Water bath, Memmert, Germany, W 350, Water bath, Memmert, WNE 22, Water bath, Julabo SW22, Water bath, Abfull und Labortechnik, Minitub HT-200, Water bath, Termofin, 3, Water bath, Slee Mainz, P 830, Water spa, SELECTA, frigitherm, Ultrasonic spa, MRC, DC 200H, Ultrasonic spa, Iskra pio, Sonis 10GT, Ultrasonic bath for washing/cleaning surgical instruments, Biobase, UC-30 A, Degasser (ultrasound), Cole-Parmer, 8891, Freezer for laboratory cultures at -80C, Evermed, Italy, ULF240 WPRO 2, Freezers of - 80, PBIiNTERNACIONAL, DW-86L628, Vertical autoclave, Tuttnauer, Netherland, 3870 ELV, autoclave, Systec, Germany, TUN-DE, Autoclave, VARIOKlav, Germany, Green Li8ne 400 ET 80, Autoclave, Bioklav, BC30H1-MT, Autoclave, CELITRON, Sting 11 Type B, Autoclave, Raypa, AES-110, Sterilizer, Memmert, Germany, SFE 600, Sterilizer, Instrumentaria Zagreb, ST05, Laminar chamber, Pbi International, Italy, BLU SPACE, Laminar chamber, PBI International, Mini Flo 2, Laminar cabinet, Telstar, Bio-II-A/G, Laminar cabinet, BDK, Germany, UVF 6.15S, Laminar chamber, FASTER, BH-EN 2003-S, Laminar chamber, Faster, BH-EN 2004, Laminar chamber, Faster, Mod.120-S, s.n.299, Laminar chamber, NUAIRE, classII, Laminar chamber, NUAIRE, 813-300E, Laminar chamber, Thermo Jouan, Jouan MSC 12, Laminar chamber, Softek, Airbender 220 NB, Hood, LABCONCO, 4871600, Hood for lab. use in chem. labor.resistant to acids and fumes, Grgar, Premium Pro Plus, 0301/2022, Proanalytica, Distiller for water, SYNERGY, MILLIPORE, Distiller (system), TKA, Germany, 08.3012, Deionizer for water, TKA, TKA lab, Deionizer for water, Thermo Scientific, Lab Tower EDI 30, wine distillation apparatus, Gibertini Elettronica SRL, Super dee, Heating lining zand distillation with return cooler, Hozic, Slovenija,, Microwave oven, MILESTONE, ETHOS ONE, Dryer with fan, Memmert, Annealing oven, SNOL, IP20, Oven, SNOL, 8, 2/1100, Dryer, Binder, ED56, Dryer, Binder, GmbH 53, Dryer, Fisher Scientific, 750G, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, IKA, HB-10, Uparnitrogen vaporizer, OA-HEAT, N-evap, Nitrogen vaporizer, VLM, V.832.416.003, Soxhlet apparatus for fat extraction, Behr Labor-Technic, Behrotest R6, TEK2, Biomerieux, VITEK2 Compact, Vacuum pump, Sartorius, Germany, 16612, Vacuum pump, Sartorius, 16692, Vacuum pump, Boeco Vacuum Pump R-300, DS2 SYSTEM-Avtomatska ELISA, Dynex technologies, 1DSA4222, ELISA reader, BIO RAD, 680, Spectrophotometer, Thermo, Multiscan FC, Spectrophotometer, BDSL, Immunoscan PLUS, UV/Vis spectrophotometer, Thermo Scientific, Nanodrop 2000C, Spectrof otometar, Merck, Sigma Aldrich Prove 300, Perach for ELISA plochi, Thermo scientific, s.n. 888-7080A, Spectrophotometer, Lambda 25, Perkin Elmer, Spectrophotometer, Cary 60 UV-VIS, Agilent, Cooling module BIO-Rad, BIO-RAD, USA,, Variable speed pump BIO-RAD, BIO-RAD, USA,, Electrophoresis cell BIO-RAD, BIO-RAD, USA,, Electrophoresis apparatus, TRANSPHOR, 4, Power source for electricityelectrophoresis, BIORAD, POWER PAC 200, Electrophoresis apparatus, Bio-Rad, PAK200, Chamber for horizontal gel electrophoresis, Thermo Scientific, EC300xL2, CHEF Mapper xA Power module BIO-RAD, BIO-RAD, USA, GEL Doc xR, molecular imager BIO-RAD, BIO-RAD, USA,, Classic PCR cycler, Biometra, T Personal Combi, Real Time PCR cycler, Biometra, T Professional Thermocycle, Real Time PCR cycler, Applied Biosystems, QuantStudio5, Classic PCR cycler, Applied Biosystems, SimpliAmp, Classic PCR cycler, TECHNE, FTC41H2D, Automated system for Real time PCR (Rotor-Gene Q 5plex ), Qiagen, Qiagen-Rotorgene Q, Real TimePCR cycler BioRAD CFx96, Genetic analyzer SeqStudio, Applied Biosystems, Instrument for NGS MiSeq, Illumina, Instrument for capillary gel electrophoresis QIAxcel Advanced, QIAGEN, Automatic extractor KingFisher Flex, Thermo Scientific, Sequencer, Applied Biosystems, ABI PRISM 310, UV transilluminator, VWR International BVBA, GENO VIEW SMART M, Automatic extractor SaMag, Sacace, SaMag24, Noise measuring apparatus, Cirrus, CLASS 2 IEC 61672 -1:2002 IEC 61672-2:2003 DIN 45657:2005, Phonometer, Cirrus Research CR :171C, Multi-parameter air quality measuring instrument, Testo 440, with probefor measuring CO2 (digitalna), Multi-parameter instrument for measuring air quality - TESTO 435-2 with Probe for measuring temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, CO2, Multi Rae Lite pumped instrument for detecting gases CH4, O2, H2S, CO, NH3, Anemometer, Testo Vane probe 100mm with Bluetooth, Globethermometer, Testo Globe probe 150mm, Thermometer, Testo Waterproof immersion/penetration probe, lux meter, Testo Lux probe (digital) lux meter, Acoustic calibrator, Cirrus, CR:514, Pedological mixer, Impact, SV005, Apparatus (block) for dry heating (dry bath), DLab HB150S1, Microbiological sampler forair, bioMerieux Air Ideal 3P, Lumitester, Kikkoman Luminometer SMART, Delta Ohm automatic weather station with pyranometer HDMCS100, LPPYRA03, LPS3, CPM12AA4.2D, Air sampling pump, GASTEC GV-100S, Air particle monitor, Met One Instruments BT-645, Mirkoscope, KOZO Optical and Electronical Instrument, Biological microscope model xJD300, Fluorescent microscope, Leica, DM2000LED, Microscope, Leica, DME, Stereo microscope, Leica, EZ4, Inverted fluorescent microscope, OPTIKA, xDS 2FL, Inverted microscope, OPTIKA, xDS-1R, Light microscope, Nikon, Eclipse E600, Stereo microscope, Nikon, 220, Microscope, Nikon, OPTIPHOT, Inverted microscope, Kruss Optonic, MBL 3100, Student microscope, KRUSS, MBL 2000, Phase-contrast microscope, Olympus, CK2, Stereo microscope, Olympus, SD30, Immunofluorescence microscope, Olympus, Stereo microscope, Mini tub, Hand wetzlar, inverted fluorescent microscopep, HUND, WILOWERT 30, Binocular stereo microscope with camera, Zeiss,, Microscope, Biobase, xS-208A, Microscope, Kruss Optronic, D-22297, Microscope, Nikon, SE, Binocular microscope, Optika, Lyophilizer, Lyovapor, BUCHI, Apparatus for freezing embryos, CFPO, Apparatus for freezing seeds, Minitub, Icecube15M, Laboratory electrophoresis, Schott Instruments, D55 122 Meinz, Heating plate, Labovolt, Type A, Heating plate, Minitub, Minitub HT-200, Heating plate, Abfull und Labortechnik, Minitub HT-400, Cold plate, Sakura, Tissue- Tek A180A, Paraffinizer, Sakura, Tissue-Tek A179A, Cold plate, Leica, EG1150C, Prefiner, Leica, EG1150H, Stainer, Thermo Electron Corp., Shandon Varistain 24-4, Rotirachki microtome, Slee Mainz, Cut 4060, Microtome, Leica, HistoCore BioCut, Microtome, Leica, RM2235, Cryotome, Leica, CM 1850, Tkiven microprocessor, Leica, ASP 200, Tkiven processor, Leica, TP, Osteotome, BIOPRO, MICROTOM 2PS, Videoendoscope, EICKMAYER, LED-USB Videoendoscope EickView 150 PRO, Blood gas analyzer, IDEx, VetStat Electrolyte and Blood gas analyzer, Vital functions monitor with capnograph, EDAN INSTRUMENTS, IM8 Vet, Veterinary dental device, EICKMAYER, Profident PLUS Lumos dental unit, Automaticki immunoanalyzer Biomerieux, Mini Vidas, Automatic biochemical analyzer Gesan, Chem 200, Biochemical blood analyzer, AWARENESS TECHN. USA, CHEMWELL, Hematology blood analyzer, ExIGO BOULE, EOS VET, Hematology analyzer Human, Humacount 80TS, Veterinary apparatus for dry (rapid) biochemistry, Medsinglong, MSLDBA02V, Veterinary analyzer for rapid diagnosis of hormonal status V-Ckeck, Bionote, VC7402EA, Veterinary device for measuring eye pressure - Icar Tonovet, Eickmayer, Electrocardiograph, CARDIOLINE, ar 600adv, Electrocardiography device, Comen, CM 300 Vet, Surgical operating lamp, MAQUET, SAS LCA 100, Electrosurgical Unit (Mono/Bipolar), GIMMA ITALY, DIATERMO MB 160D, Orthopedic Drill, SYNTHES, COLIBRI II, Veterinary Inhalation Anesthesia Machine with Isoflurane Vaporizer for Pets - Moduflex Access 2, Kruuse, Anesthetic Machine with Isoflurane and Sevof vaporizerluran, Medsigoing global group Co Ltd, MSLGA05, ULTRASOUND DEVICE, SHENZHEN Mindray Medical Electronics Co., Ltd, MINDRAY DP 50, ULTRASOUND DEVICE, Shenzhen Well.D Medical Electronics Co., Ltd., WED 2018V, ULTRASOUND DEVICE, SHENZHEN Mindray Medical Electronics Co., Ltd, DP-6600VET, Ultrasonic Echo Dopler, ESAOTE, MyLab 30 gold (MyLab 30 CV), Warm air heating system for pets with replacement filter and disposable blanket set - Mistral Air Eickamyer, Veterinary neurostimulator, B Braun Melsungen, Stimuplex HNS12, Infusion pump ( perfusor), Mindray, Benefusion SP3, InfuProducts, Mindray, Benefusion VP3, Bentley Bactocount IBC 50, Foss Bactocount FC, Funke Gerber Cryostar I, Foss Fossomatic 7, Foss Milkoscan 7, HPLC-RID, 1260, Agilent, HPLC-DAD/FD, 1260, Agilent, GC-FID, 7890B, Agilent, GC-MSD, 7890A/5975C, Agilent, LC-Q/TOF, 6546, Agilent, Liquid Scintillationanalyser, Tri-Carb 4810TR, Perkin Elmer, Nitrogen generator, PEAK, NM32LA Genius, Autosampler for UPLC, Waters, Acquity, UPLC-MS/MS Waters I-class UPLC with xEVO TQ-S detector, Razladna Comora with opseg od -20 up to 10 C, Embraco Aspera, NEU6215GK, Digital reader on RTG cassette, Fujifilm, CR IR 392, RTG device, Shimatzu, Radiography System RADspeed fit,
CPV Descriptions: Services for repair and maintenance of medical and precision equipment


 Tender Notice



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