Smart Transportation, Mobility and Traffic Study on El Sheikh Zayed City and the... Tender

WORLD BANK(WB) has floated a tender for Smart Transportation, Mobility and Traffic Study on El Sheikh Zayed City and the Related Expansions. The project location is Egypt and the tender is closing on 29 Aug 2024. The tender notice number is 0002010565, while the TOT Ref Number is 105646197. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Egypt

Summary : Smart Transportation, Mobility and Traffic Study on El Sheikh Zayed City and the Related Expansions

Deadline : 29 Aug 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 105646197

Document Ref. No. : 0002010565

Competition : ICB

Financier : World Bank (WB)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Sheikh Zayed (the “city”) is a significant New UrbanCommunities Authority (NUCA) third-generation city that has gained popularity due to itsstrategic location near Central Cairo and the Sixth of Octobercity. The city-s plots of land and surrounding areas have multiple uses, suchas residential, entertainment, commercial, and health, which has resulted intraffic problems and jams on some corridors (axes) that caused a deteriorationin service level and other consequential trip delays, low speed, spread of accidents, and environmental and noise pollution. Given its strategic location, several nationaltransportation projects pass by and exist near the city, including the monorail, express train, express bus, Sphinx airport, and other projects. These projectsneed to be connected to the city to integrate with it, serve it, and avoid trafficjams and transportation demand centralization. The city-s future planning, including land uses, would make a demographic and dynamic change, which requiresus to be aware of the future transportation demand, volume, frequency, specifications, and distribution to various means of transport to achieve a high quality of life, link the city with its western and eastern expansions and design roads andtraffic accordingly. It is necessary to conduct a study of the current situationof road planning for traffic movement on the city corridors and roads. Thestudy should determine the operational and environmental impact of traffic, including the demand for parking spaces, traffic congestion areas, and servicelevel on corridors and crossroads. The study should also propose solutions andmeans to connect the city to its eastern expansion, the new Zayed area, and theneighboring cities. Moreover, the study should further focus on the demand fortransportation in the target year 2035, based on land use plans and theconsequential distribution of demand for the various means of transportationand transportation trips between areas. The allocation of trips on corrid...


 Tender Notice


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