MINISTERE DE LA SANTE, DE L-HYGIENE PUBLIQUE ET LA COUVERTURE MALADIE UNIVERSELLE has floated a tender for Supply of Digital Health Tools, Biomedical Equipment and Vehicles for the Project Coordination Unit. The project location is Cote d'Ivoire and the tender is closing on 30 Sep 2024. The tender notice number is , while the TOT Ref Number is 94895372. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Cote d'Ivoire

Summary : Supply of Digital Health Tools, Biomedical Equipment and Vehicles for the Project Coordination Unit

Deadline : 30 Sep 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 94895372

Document Ref. No. :

Competition : ICB

Financier : Islamic Development Bank (ISDB)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

General Procurement Notice for Supply of Digital Health Tools, Biomedical Equipment and Vehicles for the Project Coordination Unit

The project will include the following components:

1. Component 1 : Strengthening health system resilience and governance

This component includes three sub-components

Sub-Component 1.1 : Preparation for the prevention and coordination of epidemics, the fight against COVID 19, disease prevention, health promotion and disease control and generalization of good public hygiene practices.

This sub-component will essentially:

· Rationalize, strengthen, standardize and implement patient care procedures in health establishments;

· Strengthen the capacities of health personnel in emergency epidemiology and the coordination of health crises;

· Rationalize, strengthen and regularly test emergency plans and coordination of health crises and epidemiological surveillance in hospitals in the different geographical areas covered by the three PRES;

· Strengthen capacities, epidemiological surveillance;

· Digitize data from vaccination activities outside the EPI; And

· Develop and strengthen health promotion and public hygiene programs in the geographical area of ​​each Regional Health Centers of Excellence (PRES).

Sub-Component 1.2 : Improvement of the efficiency and performance of health establishments of the entire health pyramid in a Continuum of Care Poles approach through the operationalization of the PRES of San Pedro, Man and Odienné

This sub-component will finance:

1.2.1: The development of health safety in health establishments

This will be:

· Develop blood production sites in the PRES of San Pedro and Odienné with the transformation of the ATS of San Pedro and Odienné into CTS following the establishment of laboratory capacities;

· To support the development of standards and guidelines for good practices in quality of care, risk coordination and biosecurity & the organization of a workshop to validate standards for good practices in quality of care and risk coordination;

· Simplify and standardize the referencing and counter-referencing processes between the different levels of the health pyramid through greater use and integration of new information technologies and accreditation of health establishments;

· Strengthen the capacities of health workers in quality, risk coordination and safety of care.

1.2.2 Strengthening the diagnostic activities of the covid-19 health district analysis laboratories

It's about :

· Specialized continuing training for laboratory staff on the quality approach, risk coordination and/Accreditation (in each district);

· The recruitment of a consultant to support the organization of an external evaluation system for laboratory quality (EEQ) of health centers of excellence;

· To strengthen the logistical and operational capacities of the Regional Directorates and Departmental Health Directorates;

· Specialized continuing training for health district stakeholders in the prevention and control of infections in healthcare settings;

· The Acquisition of three incinerators for the three centers for better coordination of biomedical waste.

Sub-Component 1.3: support for decentralization and improvement of local governance of health action

This component includes the following subcomponents:

1.3.1 Support for governance and the involvement of local communities in health action

It is :

· Support for the development of a regional strategy document/development of health security and E-health (10 regions);

· Support for the development of a municipal strategy document for the development of health security and E-health (2 municipalities/region);

· Support for the establishment of a municipal/regional council to monitor health and digital development in the regions;

· The establishment of a basket funding/pooling of financing for health actions intended for each region or municipality supervised by the municipal/regional council;

· Support for the implementation of PRES and coaching for their operationalization.

1.3.2 Support for decentralization and capacity building of local authorities

It's about :

· The establishment of a continuing training program for staff on health security and digital health;

· From training to the development of sanitation and hygiene tools in health structures and local authorities;

· Recruitment of a firm for the implementation of a regionalized human resources coordination model.

2. Component 2 : Implementation of digital infrastructures and digital health tools

This component includes the following subcomponents:

Sub-component 2.1: Establishment of digital infrastructures

It's about :

· The construction/development of computer rooms in 6 CHR and 12 HG;

· The acquisition and installation of computer and network equipment for the installation of SIH&DPI;

· The acquisition of licenses, installation, configuration and training on SIH&DPI for 5xCHR, 10, HG & 50xESPC and the establishment of an electronic payment system for care services in the selected establishments ;

· To achieve the interconnection of health establishments (5 CHR, 10 HG and 50 ESPC) of the health districts of the 3 health centers of excellence at the DATACENTER of the MSHPCMU & to provide fixed telephone services for health establishments as part of emergency coordination;

· Support and training for the implementation and operation of the MSHPCMU DATACENTER.

Subcomponent 2.2: Implementation of digital health tools

It's about :

· Implementation of the health decision-making informatics project;

· The development and implementation of the Client/Patient Health Professional Portal and the monitoring of indicators and performance evaluation throughout the coordination chain;

· To build/rehabilitate the telemedicine services of the 4CHU/IS, 11xCHR & 25xHG;

· Support for the implementation of the national telemedicine plan (PNT 2021-2025) in the three centers of excellence for improving access to graduated care;

· Providing solutions for coordinating attendance times and video surveillance;

· Deployment of a centralized medication and blood traceability tool.

3. Component 3 : Improvement of access and quality of maternal, child and elderly health services

This component includes the following subcomponents:

Subcomponent 3.1: Improvement in the quality of maternal and child health services

It's about :

· The construction of 22 new first contact establishments (ESPC) in the target regions of the project and the connection to the electricity network or the improvement of the electrical supply of the ESPCs built and the construction of analysis laboratory services of 48 CSU within 3 PRES;

· The rehabilitation of the infrastructure of 35 first contact establishments (ESPC) targeted by the PRTDS, the Rehabilitation and extension of infrastructure housing Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) services (3 hospitals: Buyo, Zouan - Houien, Madinani), connection to the electricity network or improvement of the electricity supply of the rehabilitated ESPCs as well as the rehabilitation of the analysis laboratory services of 2 CSUs in the 3 health centers of excellence;

· The acquisition and installation of technical platform equipment in the rehabilitated ESPCs concerned by the PRTDS project and the acquisition of equipment in hospitals in the health regions rehabilitated by the PRTDS (Buyo, Zouan-Houien, Madinani) ;

· The acquisition and installation of technical platform equipment in the new ESPC buildings, the acquisition of solar refrigerators and biomedical equipment for 50 Urban Health Centers (CSU) and the acquisition of laboratory consumables medical analyzes from 24 Urban Health Centers (CSU);

· The acquisition of 9 medical ambulances in health structures;

· Support for capacity building of MNCH providers in the field of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EMON).

Subcomponent 3.2: Improvement in the quality of care services for elderly people . It's about :

· Specialized training of health workers on hospitalization and coordination of home care;

· The rehabilitation of buildings and the construction of annexes for the establishment of an integrated diagnosis and monitoring center for the elderly in Grand Bassam;

· The acquisition of equipment for the integrated reference center for diagnosis and medical monitoring of elderly people.

4. Component 4 : Support for project coordination

A Project Coordination Unit (PCU) will be established, which reports to the MSHPCMU. The UCP will manage all project contracts and liaise with the various authorities and the IDB for smooth implementation of the project.

5. Component 5 : Financial audit

The annual financial audits of the project will be carried out by an independent external audit firm approved by the Bank.

6. Component 6 : Emergency Response Component (CERC)

This zero-value standalone component is integrated into the project to allow current project resources to cover emergency response activities in the event of a disaster, pandemic or major flood, etc.

[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]


 Tender Notice

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