Support for the Implementation of the Management Plan for the Coastal Marine Protected... Tender

UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) has floated a tender for Support for the Implementation of the Management Plan for the Coastal Marine Protected Area. The project location is Chile and the tender is closing on 13 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is UNDP-CHL-00073, while the TOT Ref Number is 97300425. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Chile

Summary : Support for the Implementation of the Management Plan for the Coastal Marine Protected Area

Deadline : 13 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97300425

Document Ref. No. : UNDP-CHL-00073

Competition : ICB

Financier : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

The Large Marine Ecosystem of the Humboldt Current (GEMCH) is one of the largest and most productive ecosystems in the world, providing about 15% of the total fish and shellfish production and supporting the largest single-specific fishery globally (anchovy). Furthermore, it has a biodiversity ofhigh conservation value, however, the risk of deterioration of the GEMCH attributes is high. In this context, Chile and Peru have joined forces by establishing a joint vision that allows for a healthy, productive and resilient Large Marine Ecosystem, through sound management.ecosystem approach that guarantees the conservation and sustainable use of its goods and services for the benefit of its people. During the period 2011-2016, the Chile-Peru Project "Towards Management with an Ecosystem Approach of the Large Marine Ecosystem of the Current of Humboldt", throughd0311b314139639afa8d9993705f8a28which, the countries carried out a Cross-zonal Diagnostic Analysis to identify the environmental and anthropogenic problems that affect the health of the GEMCH and developed a Strategic Action Program with the objective of mitigating or at least reducing the identified problems, among whichca: i) the non-optimal exploitation of fishing resources, ii) the anthropogenic alteration of the marine habitat and iii) the high bycatch or bycatch and discards. Currently, Chile and Peru are implementing the project "Catalyzing the implementation of a Program of Strategic Action pd0311b314139639afa8d9993705f8a28For the sustainable management of shared living marine resources in the Humboldt Current System", known as "Humboldt Project II". The initiative is executed by the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Chile (SUBPESCA) and the Vice Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry ofe Production of Peru (VMPA-PRODUCE) and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with co-financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Ministries of the Environment of both countries also participate as strategic partners.s countries, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the IFOP and IMARPE research institutes, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service of Chile and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State of Peru. Through the project, which has a highly participatory approachand inclusive, some 289 thousand people will directly benefit, practical experiences will be implemented to generate learning that can be enhanced or replicated, and the foundations will be laid to implement binational mechanisms for the coordinated and sustainable management of the GEMCH under an effective approach.cosystemic. The objective of the project is to "facilitate ecosystem-based fisheries management and ecosystem restoration in the Humboldt Current System for the sustainable and resilient provision of goods and services from shared living marine resources, in accordance with the A Program"Strategic Action approved by Chile and Peru". The expected results are: 1. Prioritized fishery resources have improved existing management scenarios to aid recovery and systems are in place to ensure maintenance at optimal population levels while maintaininga healthy and productive ecosystem considering climate change and El Nino southern oscillation scenarios.2. Improved coastal and marine environmental quality through the application of integrated ecosystem management and Special Marine Planning (PEM).3. There are systemsbut to assist with the maintenance and, if necessary, the recovery of biodiversity in the Humboldt Current system.4. Fishing activities are diversified and new productive opportunities are created for fishermen, organized in integrated organizations of the society.civil society, inside and outside the fishing sector.5. The general population benefits from greater food security and safety based on better ecosystem and fisheries management, together with better control of catch quality.6. HEhas shared lessons and good practices with key actors in each country, between countries and globally. The project has a highly participatory and inclusive approach to promote multi-level collaboration and dialogue between key actors from both countries. Practical experiences will be implementedethics in prioritized resources and specific sites to generate learning that can be enhanced later. Four resources were selected by the project partners to focus the project interventions: (i) anchovy (Engraulis ringens), (ii) cuttlefish (Dosidicus gigas), (iii) coastal benthic resources, and (iv) macroalgae. Additionally, the following intervention sites were selected: i. The bays of Iquique in Chile and Paracas in Peru, for integrated management interventions of marine-coastal spaces and environmental quality.ii. The localities ofe Coquimbo, Puerto Aldea, Torres del Inca, and the section between Chanaral and Caldera in Chile, and the towns of Pisco, San Juan de Marcona, and Atico in Peru, for productive diversification interventions.iii. The protected areas of Punta Morro-mouth of the Copiapo River-Isla Grande de Atacama and Chipana and Pisagua (to be created) in Chile, and the San Fernando, Punta San Juan, and Punta Atico National Reserve in Peru, for biodiversity conservation interventions and management of productive activities within protected areas. The project will directly benefit about 200 thousand peoplenas in Chile and about 89 thousand people in Peru. However, the greatest contribution will be to help countries establish the bases to execute the SAP and, in the long term, implement coordinated measures for the sustainable management of the GEMCH. One of the components of the Project is referred to"Restore and maintain the habitat and biodiversity of marine and coastal systems at sustainable levels", within the framework of said component it is planned to support the implementation of the Management Plan for the AMCP-MU Isla Grande de Atacama." These Terms of Reference take into account thespecific requirements for the development of a service that provides support for the Implementation of the Management Plan, formation of the Local Management Council of the AMCP-MU Isla Grande de Atacama, the development of an evaluation, monitoring and follow-up system of three prioritized strategies of the Plann Management of the AMCP-MU IGA, and strengthen the Operational Committee for the Coordination of Supervision, Monitoring, Follow-up and Inspection of the AMCP-MU IGA. This contract is aimed at supporting the tasks necessary to achieve Expected Result NO3 of the Humboldt II Project:"Systems exist to assist with the maintenance and, if necessary, the recovery of biodiversity in the Humboldt Current system." To this end, it has been considered necessary to have a technical team that provides specialized assistance for the implementation of the Risk Management Plan.l AMCP-MU Isla Grande de Atacama, through the preparation of a proposal for implementation activities of three prioritized strategies of the AMCP-MU IGA Management Plan, the development of an evaluation, monitoring and follow-up system of three prioritized strategies mentioned Plan of Management, tod0311b314139639afa8d9993705f8a28yes, as well as strengthening its Local Management Council and Operational Committee for the Coordination of Supervision, Monitoring, Follow-up and Inspection, by hiring a consultancy, under the supervision of the Humboldt II Project Unit
Publish Date: 20-Feb-2024
Type of Notice: Request for proposal


 Tender Notice

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