LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP "AGRICULTURAL ExPERIMENTAL STATION" ZARECHNY " has floated a tender for Tires for Agricultural Machinery and Cars. The project location is Kazakhstan and the tender is closing on 17 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 12127716-1, while the TOT Ref Number is 99903911. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Kazakhstan

Summary : Tires for Agricultural Machinery and Cars

Deadline : 17 Apr 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 99903911

Document Ref. No. : 12127716-1

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : KZT 9202706.00

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Lots: Camera - S/x Camera 16.9-24 TR 218 A (420/70 - 24? 460/70 - 24. 17.5 L -24) (before MTZ -1221) | Tire - for a car, summer 205 \ 70 r 16 | Tire-6.50-16, (Front T-25, T-40M seeder) F2 (3RIB) 6HC/88F8 complete with the camera and roller tape | Camera - Camera 6.95 x 16 (185/75-16) Gazelle | Shine - Shina 11.2r 20 with a camera, F -35 max. 1180 ind114 8PR | Tire - Autoshin 9.00 R 20 O40BM (260*508), N.S. 14, with a camera | Tire - tire 8.25 x 20 K -84 (240*508) N.S. 12, complete with a camera and a roller tape, rhombus tread, 10 layer | Shina-Shina s/x 15.5-38 with a camera, F-2ad N.S. 8 TT ASHK MAx.2300 | Kronstein - bracket racks of the seeder Kuzbass | Liner - liner of the racks of the Kuzbass coupon | Tire - S/x Tire 9.00 x 16, with a camera | Tire-bus 28.1 R26 (720 R665) (K-700) premium R-1W (TR-1W) FD-12 /170A8 reinforced with camera | Shina - S/x Shina 16.5/70 KF -97, complete with the camera, N.S. 14 maxima 3650 | Shine -Shina 11.l -15i -1, TL Qz -709 makh. 1450 N.S.8 | Tire - agricultural 12.5L -15 I - 1TL MAx.1745 N.S. 12 | Tire - Autoshina 175/80 x 16s


 Tender Notice