MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC has floated a tender for Tool for Improving Radiotherapy Planning with the Support of Artificial Intelligence Description: the Subject of the Order is to Provide Software Equipment Supporting Automated Contouring of Organs in the Process Of.... The project location is Slovakia and the tender is closing on 18 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 4998 - IOx, while the TOT Ref Number is 97045278. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Slovakia

Summary : Tool for Improving Radiotherapy Planning with the Support of Artificial Intelligence Description: the Subject of the Order is to Provide Software Equipment Supporting Automated Contouring of Organs in the Process Of...

Deadline : 18 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97045278

Document Ref. No. : 4998 - IOx

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : EUR 995706.71

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Tool to improve radiotherapy planning with the support of artificial intelligence Description: The subject of the order is to provide software equipment supporting automated contouring of organs within the framework of the radiotherapy planning process, so that this equipment is available to all hospital providersof health care (hereinafter referred to as PUZS), which within Slovakia provide radiation therapy (hereinafter referred to as RT) to oncology patients and that this equipment covers modern standards for RT planning. The solution to ensure: The most accurate RT planning with the least possible impact on healthy tissueivo, Standardization and use of best practice in organ contouring. The required outputs of the project are: Automated contouring module: In 11 workplaces that provide RT, implement a tool for automated contouring of OARs and clinical target volumes. The project aims to ensure this nmachine for all 11 workplaces for 5 years. Detailed information is given in the Description of the subject of the order, which is attachment no. 1 competition documents. Order type: Goods Additional order type: Services 4.1.4 Scope of procurement Estimated value Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (value): 995706.71 Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (currency): Euro Information on the main classification of the subject of the contract Classification type: Common procurement dictionary Main CPV code: Software packages for healthcare Information on the additional classification of the subject of the contract Information on the additional classificationi predmetu zakazky Classification type: Common procurement dictionary Supplementary CPV code: Transport services (without waste transport) 4.1.5 Information about the place of fulfillment Information about the place of fulfillment Street: Legionarska Street: 28 City: Trenčin Zip code: 91171 Lower territorial unit of the country: Trenčin Region Country:Slovakia Additional information about the place of fulfillment: Faculty Hospital Trenčin Information about the place of fulfillment Street: Mederčska Street: 39 City: Komarno Zip code: 94501 Lower territorial unit of the country: Nitriansky...
Deadline for submitting bids: (date): 18/03/2024 Deadline for submitting bids (time): 09:00 Language for submitting documents Languages ​​in which bids can be submitted: SLK, CES Information on opening of bids Date of opening of bids: 18/03/2024 Time Bid opening: 09:15 Description of bid opening: Closer informations regarding the opening of bids are given in the tender documents. Place of tender opening: Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, Limbova 2, 837 52 Bratislava Method of submitting tenders or requests for participation Electronic tender submission: Mandatory Bid submission address (URL): Information on tender documents Information on tender documents Limited access to tender documents: No restrictions on access to documents Official language of tender documents: Slovak Tender documents (URL): https: // Document/order designation: Tool for improving radiotherapy planning with the support of artificial intelligence Communication channel ad hoc Name of electronic resource: Review Review periods Description of review periods: Lthe right to submit a request for correction and/or objection is governed by the valid and effective law on public procurement. Review Organization ID of the organization responsible for the review: ORG-0001 (Public Procurement Office) Organization providing review information Information provider IDon review: ORG-0001 (Public Procurement Office)6. Summary of corrections 6.1 Summary of performed corrections in the notification Link to the version of the previous notification that is corrected: 3710572d-9b06-4337-bd30-1342a3c7f975-04 6.1.1 Information about performed corrections Information about performed corrections OpraRepaired sections Repaired sections The section in which the repair is carried out: Tool for improving radiotherapy planning with the support of artificial intelligence (LOT-0001) Related information...


 Tender Notice