Procurement Summary
Country : Italy
Summary : Training Academy for Eo Education Support - Expro +
Deadline : 22 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 97535561
Document Ref. No. : 1-12008
Competition : ICB
Financier : Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Tenders are invited for Training Academy for Eo Education Support - Expro +
Creation of an EO Training Service for ESA. The scope of this activity is the provision to ESA of specialised training and relateduser support in the field of EO techniques and applications, covering different areas (from Earth Science to operational applications of Remote Sensing from space) and ranges of users (universities, young scientists, professionals using geo-information). This will require the creation of an EO Training academy for the organisation of a series of EO training as required, including the use of an Online Learning Platform, the support of training participants and alumni, and the promotion of these opportunities. This shall bed one with the purpose of increasing the knowledge and capacity in RS/EO and related technologies among university students, graduates, young scientists, and professionals. The proposed service shall:Provide training to users enabling them to autonomously access and exploit Sentinel data, ESA and TPM EO data as well as basic ICT tools and resources provided by ESA or freely available.Support ESA- and CEOS-led initiatives engaging specific user communities, e.g. Users from PECS countries, developing countries, LatinAmerica (as part of the PUMAS initiative). Cover User Training (online and in-person), online tutorials, webinars, provision ofcloud processing resources (VM) during training (and shortly after), dedicated forum for alumni-support, service promotion, and making materials available for further use as part of MOOCs and future trainings.Include challenges for ESA training alumni exploiting the ESA Science Hub and the new ESA platforms, already available or in preparation Create a consortium for organizing and handling training materials, courses, webinars, etc. This consortium shall ensure good service and therefore should include people familiar with:- Academia, with experience in teaching EO and Remote Sensing, - Online learning and the best practices for handling this, during both teaching itself and in forums, discussion boards, or similar, - Handling, organising, and making available online resources in a user-friendly way, - Earth observation tools, as identified in this statement of work, - Different languages, to meet the needs of ESA's diverse target groups, - Targeting students at university/doctorate/post-doctorate level, - Contacting and working with professors and experts from a range of institutions, so that the consortium is not just the extension of a single university or similar.Read more
Tender Notice