Water and Sewer Utility Request for Proposals Communications Project Vaule-For-Money... Tender

CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN has floated a tender for Water and Sewer Utility Request for Proposals Communications Project Vaule-For-Money Audit. The project location is Canada and the tender is closing on 21 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is FILE 2024-020, while the TOT Ref Number is 98461722. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Canada

Summary : Water and Sewer Utility Request for Proposals Communications Project Vaule-For-Money Audit

Deadline : 21 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98461722

Document Ref. No. : FILE 2024-020

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

The City of Charlottetown is issuing this RFP with the goal of hiring an experienced and qualified proponent to complete a review of the Miltonvale Wellfield Development Phase 3B Communications System Project. The Proponent's proposal should clearly outline all work that will be completed, and the timeframe proposed. The work, described in more detail herein, is to include all work necessary, including field verification, site visits, modeling/mapping, testing, etc., and shall follow industry best practices. The intent of the RFP is to award the work to a qualified proponent with relevant experience and proven successes with projects of a similar nature and complexity. REQUIREMENTS AND SCOPE OF SERVICE The communication system includes an underground fiber optic backbone between the City Maintenance Shop at MacAleer Drive and City Hall and peripheral connections to eleven (11) sewer lift stations, 1 PRV, and the City Planning building. Additionally, the communications system includes one (1) 45m communications tower, located at the Miltonvale Reservoir. In summary, the successful Proponent shall be required to undertake the following tasks: • Verification / documentation of fiber optic cable installed • Verification / documentation of fiber optic cable spliced • Testing & documentation of existing fiber optic cable • Verification / documentation of fiber optic cable in service • Outstanding contracted elements • Documentation and verification of fiber optic vault and demarcat...
Solicitation Type : RFP - Request for Proposal (Formal)
Reference Number : 00003956127
Location : Prince Edward Island
Purchase Type : Not Stated
Dates Publication : 2024/03/08 08:18:00 AM EST
Closing Date : 2024/03/21 01:00:00 PM EDT
Contact Information : City of Charlottetown
: tenders@charlottetown.ca
Description : The City of Charlottetown is issuing this RFP with the goal of hiring an experienced and qualified proponent to complete a review of the Miltonvale Wellfield Development Phase 3B Communications System Project. The Proponent's proposal should clearly outline all work that will be completed, and the timeframe proposed. The work, described in more detail herein, is to include all work necessary, including field verification, site visits, modeling/mapping, testing, etc., and shall follow industry best practices. The intent of the RFP is to award the work to a qualified proponent with relevant experience and proven successes with projects of a similar nature and complexity. REQUIREMENTS AND SCOPE OF SERVICE The communication system includes an underground fiber optic backbone between the City Maintenance Shop at MacAleer Drive and City Hall and peripheral connections to eleven (11) sewer lift stations, 1 PRV, and the City Planning building. Additionally, the communications system includes one (1) 45m communications tower, located at the Miltonvale Reservoir. In summary, the successful Proponent shall be required to undert...


 Tender Notice

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