LA COMMUNAUTÉ URBAINE DE YAOUNDÉ has floated a tender for Works to Widen and Strengthen the Roads on the Bank along the Abiergue and Mfoundi Canals Upstream and to Construct the Hydraulic Structure. The project location is Cameroon and the tender is closing on 07 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 055 /AOIO/CUY/PCADY/CSPM/2023, while the TOT Ref Number is 94773197. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Cameroon

Summary : Works to Widen and Strengthen the Roads on the Bank along the Abiergue and Mfoundi Canals Upstream and to Construct the Hydraulic Structure

Deadline : 07 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 94773197

Document Ref. No. : 055 /AOIO/CUY/PCADY/CSPM/2023

Competition : ICB

Financier : African Development Bank (AfDB)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Works to Widen and Strengthen the Roads on the Bank along the Abiergue and Mfoundi Canals Upstream and to Construct the Hydraulic Structure in Front of the Municipal Roads - Pcady 04-Jan-2024

The Government of the Republic of Cameroon received financing in the form of a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) hereinafter referred to as the Bank to finance the Complementary Sustainable Rainwater Sanitation Project for the City of Yaoundé (PCADY), and has the intention to use part of this loan to make payments under the contract for works to widen and strengthen the road on the bank along the Abiergue canal and to rehabilitate rue du Mfoundi and to construct the hydraulic structure opposite the Municipal Roads. For this Contract, the Borrower will make payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the Bank's Guidelines applicable to Disbursements under Investment Project Financing. It's a project with a lot of unique work, réparties comme suit: the enlargement and strengthening of the path on the rocks along the length of the canal Aiergue and britelle Tronçon 1 : Voie sur berge du canal Abiergue 860 ml - Tronçon 2 : Carrefour Sapeur-Pompier Mokolo - Carrefour « Soya » Briqueterie 320 ml the rehabilitation of the rue du Mfoundi (SNI-entrée marché du Mfoundi-collège Montesquieu) 582 ml the construction of the hydraulic work of franchising on the Mingoa aval (section section 3 x 2) in front of the Municipal Voirie and the reconstruction of the adjacent route The Dossier d'Appeal d'Offers in French can be purchased by all interested bidders by writing a request to the address below against a non-reimbursable payment of one hundred and fifty thousand (150 000) Francs CFA or two hundred twenty-nine (229) Euros. The method of payment will be a payment to the account Special CAS - ARMP, N° 335988 of the agencies BICEC. The file of appeal of offers will be withdrawn on working days between 8 hours 30 and 15 hours 00, from the Cell of execution of PCADY upon presentation of the receipt of payment of the above mentioned fees. The DAO will be able to be sent electronically at the request of the submitter.

The offers must be accompanied by a guarantee of submission, for an amount of hundred ten millions (110 000 000) of Francs CFA, that is, hundred sixty-seven thousand seven hundred ten (167 710) Euros delivered by a bank of first order or An assurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance of Cameroon, and the list of which appears in the annex. For a caution issued by a foreign guarantee company, it must be in partnership with a local institution registered on the list. These works include, in particular, the mobilization general, the preparatory works, the terrassements general, the purges, the enroches for the substitution of compressible materials, the realization of the works d'assainissement of rainwaters and the traversée, the works of chaussée and de revélation. enrobed bituminous, diverse works of protection, the mise en place of equipment of security and of the signaling, the works in view of the reduction of the impact of the works on the environment and the respect of the natural and human environment, The works of lighting public, the movement of networks, the works of miscellaneous. In volume these works include globally around: (i) hundred thousand (100, 000) cubic meters of general terraces, (ii) thirty thousand (30, 000) cubic meters of purges, (iii) ten thousand (10, 000) square meters of bituminous concrete coating., (iv) two thousand (2, 000) cubic meters of reinforced concrete. The works will be executed in a period of ten-seven (18) months with the implementation of all the measures of optimization and limitation of environmental and social impacts, as well as prevention of IST, VIH/SIDA, VBG/VCE /EAS/HS, Malaria et COVID-19.

[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]


 Tender Notice

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